
Essay Under Utilitarianism

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Under Utilitarianism, abortion is accepted when it is for the good of the people involved. There are too many circumstances that change with each woman that there cannot be a straight forward yes or no. I agree with this view. Women should have a choice based on their personal life. I don’t believe in a law making that decision for women. Rape is a major factor that plays into abortion. How could the government state that a woman that is raped is not allowed to have an abortion? That is absolutely absurd. Another part to abortion is when a woman is not ready to be a mother. Abortion shouldn’t be a way out, but if a woman is truly not ready to be a mother and not ready to give a child the best life they could give, they should have that choice. A child deserves to be brought up in a way that can be …show more content…

Wade made abortion legal, in mid-2016 there were 32 states that tried to ban either some types of abortions or the whole procedure all together (Guttmacher). With this, 24 states tried to make it so that abortion was not covered under family planning. Having abortion not be covered by family planning, such as Medicaid, limits a good percentage of women. There are lots of families that are in need of state care due to not being able to afford private health care. This attempt to ban abortion from being covered under family planning is just as bad as banning it completely in my eyes. The cost could be anywhere from $415- $1,110 (Planned Parenthood). How does the government expect for families to pay for an abortion if one is needed?
All in all, I believe that the Utilitarian view of free choice for abortion is the best way. There are too many obstacles, circumstances, etc. to not have abortion be decided on a case by case basis. I also believe that abortion should be funded through family planning as if there is a case of rape or if the woman is not ready to become a mother, they should have a choice to abortion without a large burden of

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