
Estill High School: Case Study Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

On December 4, 2015, I, Cpl. Lessane, with the Hampton County Sheriff’s Office, responded to Estill High School, in the county of Hampton, regarding a female and son disturbing the School. Upon arrival, I spoke with the School principal, Mr. Lee, who stated on December 3, 2015, Ms. Singleton came to the school house and caused a disturbance.
Mr. Lee stated on December 3, 2015, Ms. Singleton came to Estill High School, and caused a disturbance. Mr. Lee stated Ms. Singleton caused a disturbance, by being loud and rudely, using profane languages in a disturbing manner in a place where the students and teachers where located. Mr. Lee continued to state Ms. Singleton left out of the school after he

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