
Ethical And Moral Issues In Snowpiercer

Decent Essays

The second problem that Snowpiercer handles is the issue about human rights. In the film, there is a scene when Wilford’s secretary visits the tail section to take away two children, saying that Wilford likes children. However, Curtis who reaches the engine compartment in the end finds out that these children are used as a passive component of the engine that has no resource to replace. This shows violation of human rights since the rights of these children are considered ignorable in order to maintain the big system, of Snowpiercer. Another example that shows violation of human rights is when genocide is carried out in order to maintain the “balanced ecosystem”. The protagonists who fought all the way to the head section encounters Wilford …show more content…

One of the solution suggested is the emergence of a leader with new points of view. There are three types of leaders that appear in Snowpiercer. Guilliam, the leader of the tail section, suggests the rebels to return to the tail section after they conquer the compartment controlling the water supply. From this action, he can be regarded as a realist. However, since he turns out to be one of the antagonists, he can be seen as a symbol of corrupted leader. Another leader is Curtis, who plans to take over the engine compartment to drive out the dictator. However, his solution is not ideal since it does not change the basic of the system. Rather, it changes the main agent of the dictatorship only. In contrast to these two leaders who were unable propose a solution capable of fixing the situation, Namgoong Minsoo approaches the problem from a new point of view. He suggests an absolutely novel solution, which is to escape from the train. Bong Joonho said “Actually, the thought of Curtis is still binded up in the tail compartment although his body moved forward. However, Namgoong Minsoo has a totally different vision. While Curtis looks at the front, Minsoo always looks outside, even when he eats sushi or watches an airplane flying. Finally, he suggests a door that leads to the outside world and as the children walk towards the way that he suggests, the film ends” (Naver film). Since the train represents the history of mankind, escape from the train can be seen as escaping

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