
Ethical Concerns Of The Toy Industry Essay

Better Essays

As a corporate director of Paradigm Toys, it is my main responsibility to make policies and regulations that will help the business to be successful in the toy industry. Not only do ethical policies make encouraging impacts on the employees but they also increase the number of loyal, reoccurring customers. Therefore, it is a simple need of the business to focus on ethical concerns related to all of the organization. In this perspective, my paper will discuss different viewpoints related to ethical concerns with the help of ethical leadership.
As a corporate director of Paradigm Toys Company I will be able to work with all management principles but it may not successfully help the business to increase the ethical terms and transparency within the organization. Thus, I feel that reward power may be used to create the best ethical climate at Paradigm Toys: “Reward Power is the fastest way to persuade. Because it refers to the ability to deliver rewards or benefits to influence others. These can be financial, material, or psychological rewards.” ( 2013-2015). When employees feel valued and are allowed to work the best way they can and receive rewards for it then they tend to produce better products. However, it can also make adverse impressions over the employees because they feel free in the workplace and that can cause them to become lazy and slack up due to the freedom that they have been given. The best way to prevent this would be to make sure that the

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