
Ethical Issues Of Pepsi

Decent Essays

Pepsi is a world famous carbonated soft drink made by American company PepsiCo. Its distinctive blue packaging makes a huge contrast with its long-time rival’s signature red packing, Coca-Cola. First introduced as 'Brad's Drink' in North Carolina, USA at 1893 before renaming to Pepsi at 1898, Pepsi has always trying to be the dominant brand in soft-drink market while completing with Coca-Cola, known as the Cola War, where the two brands used a series of television advertisements and marketing campaigns trying to get more influence in the soft-drink market among the consumers. Pepsi launched its new commercial advertisement ‘Live For Now Moments Anthem’ in April 2017, as a part of its previously launched Pepsi's first global campaign ‘Live For Now’ in April 2012. The protest-themed advertisement, however, not only was nowhere near Pepsi’s original expectation, but it causes a huge ethical issue, backlash and controversy that made Pepsi took down the advertisement and issue an apology in less than a few days.

“Live For Now Moments Anthem” notably featured 21 years old model/television personality Kendall Jenner, who played herself in the advertisement as it took place in an unnamed city. Jenner could be seen posing for photographs as a model at the beginning of the advertisement, while a crowd filled with the majority of different ethnic groups and age groups protesting outside on the main street, holding banners such as ‘join the conversation’, ‘Love’ and peace symbol,

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