
Ethical Principles And Standards Of The Educational Research

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Ethics must be applied at all stages of research, from planning to evaluation of the research project; data collection methods as part of the investigative process must be guided by the ethical principles and standards of the educational research. According to the American Educational Research Association (2011), there are twenty two ethical standards, which were created to ensure the validity, honesty, and reliability of all stages of the research process. there are several examples of the impact of ethical standards on data collection methods (Resnik, 2011):

Informed consent and public communication: to implement any of the data collection methods, the researcher needs to explain in detail the pursues of the research, the characteristics of data collection method that he or her intend to use, and finally he or her must obtained the authorization or consent. To implement a survey, an interview, questionnaires, the researcher must ask for the verbal consent. During the observation process or a document review a verbal consent will be enough, but sometimes a writing consent might be necessary (Fremgen, 2011). These day technology is part of our lives, telephone or online surveys are pretty common actually; in this case, the researcher must ask for a verbal consent during the telephone survey, but he or her will need an electronic consent to apply an online survey. Also, researchers should be aware that any information that is published through any media must be accurate;

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