
Ethics And Social Responsibility: Importance And Value

Decent Essays

Ethics and Social Responsibility – Importance and Value

Ethics and social responsibility became very important areas for nowadays

companies. Ethics are an individual‘s personal beliefs about whether a behavior,

action or decision is right or wrong. Ethics in organization concerns people, because

they have an individual ethics, not the organization itself.

Every person might see the good and bad behavior from his or her own perspective.

Mainly, an ethical behavior would usually and typically refers to behavior, which

conforms generally accepted social norms. An example of unethical behavior: a

person is taking a pack of printing paper from the office to use it at home and thinks

that it is not a thieves. Someone else would never thought to take it. Another: …show more content…

This is why it is very important to hire or

promote people with sense of personal ethics. Top managers, for example should

establish the organization’s culture and define what will and what will not be

acceptable behavior. Ethics are required to be a part of decision-making process.

When making a decision, the decision-maker should ask the following questions:

1.Does my decision fall within socially acceptable norms and limits?

2. Am I happy to convey my decision to all the stakeholders involved?

3. What would my family and peers think of my decision?

Organization may develop formal codes of ethics – written statement of the values

and ethical standards that guide the firm’s actions (Code of Conduct). Company can

also establish an ethics committee, which is a committee, appointed to consider

ethical issues and also appoint a chief ethics officer. Some companies have also

started offering employees training on how to handle different ethical

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