
Ethics: Ethics And The Consequences Of Ethics

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Each one throughout this world needs something to stop him or her from doing what is wrong and to guide them to continue in a good way. Parents or anyone who is responsible for someone else can take this role. However, it is much important that the person himself is the one who control the situation. That come from inside, from something, cannot be described, yes ethics. Ethics is the thing that helps use without our feeling. So it must be inside each soul, in each situation in the life and even work.
Not telling the truth or hiding something, which is simply lying and it is a type of deception is one of the behaviors that is related to the ethics. For each step there are consequences and for lying which is immoral behavior, there are infinitely many implications, especially if it was used in a professional setting. Based on …show more content…

So basically it will be just like a disease that cannot be treated because it broke the ethics. And that will result in having a useless bachelor’s degree, because this student is not educated in a professional way, and that is because of him and his continued lies. When the time came to the work, the engineer will not know how to do, and that will put the whole work and the others in a dangers situation, such as doing something wrong in the factory or the petrol station which is so sensitive and can affect the whole place and workers.
As a result, it is important to follow the Aggie code, because without the code everything will move in the wrong direction. Not lying will prevent infinite implications that might occur and it will result in having a healthy soul because lying is a disease that threatens everything and not just the work, it also includes the relationships among others, the soul, and the health. Simply if the work is done without ethics, it will not be professional because ethics is what control and guide us to be

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