
Ethics Wrong

Decent Essays

704 words
Right or Wrong?
The question about ethicality has always been ambiguous. How to decide whether a human being act ethically correct? The Nature and Human Values book edited by Sarah Jayne Hitt and Courtney Holles explains three philosophical theories regarding the ethics. The theories gives a general idea on how philosopher approach this matter to decide what kind of act is considered ethical and how to determine it. Even though the theories contradict each other in some aspect, it helps us to understand the general idea on what is considered as an “ethically correct” act.
Utilitarianism, the consequentialist ethics is the first theory that comes up. The basic of this theory is the results that comes after the action. When the action brings good result and happiness for the most people, this theory believes that the action can be considered as ethical. However, the Deontologist might not agree with this condition, they are reasonably the first theory in line to contradict the consequentialist. The deontologist believe that the results of an action does not matter in terms of deciding whether it is ethically correct or not. Instead, they …show more content…

Virtue ethics is an old philosophy that was started back in the Greek philosophical era such as Confucius and Aristotle. Virtue ethics do not question whether an action is ethically right or wrong, instead it is more focus on the individual that does the action. The questions includes but not limited to; what kind of individual tend to act rightly or wrongly, what makes that person do their action, and what are the qualities for someone to be called a moral person. With that, virtue ethics is not effective in determining whether an act is right or wrong. The major differences from the other two ethics (deontological and consequential) is that virtue ethics does not have rational methods to determine complex ethical

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