
Essay on Ethics of Cookies

Good Essays

Ethics of Cookies eth·ic
1 plural but singular or plural in construction : the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation
2 a : a set of moral principles or values b : a theory or system of moral values <the present-day materialistic ethic> c plural but singular or plural in construction : the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group <professional ethics> d : a guiding philosophy

HTTP cookie
<World-Wide Web> A packet of information sent by an HTTP server to a World-Wide Web browser and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies can contain any arbitrary information the server chooses and are used to maintain state between otherwise …show more content…

That’s not all folks! Some of these servers may also be selling your information to other web sites. There is also a risk of someone breaking into a web site, which has access to your cookie. This security issue is a major concern with some people, however, there are people who are oblivious to the existence of these cookies. The benefits of cookies should be examined, as well as the disadvantages. A look should also be taken at what has occurred today with these cookies; whether or not they pose a threat to the internet consumer.

Netscape first developed the cookie. It is important to note that it cannot be used to get data from a computer’s hard drive. Its primary uses are for online ordering systems, web personalization, web site tracking and targeted marketing (cookiecent), but the cookie can also be used to retrieve email addresses, a user’s browsing preferences, and other information which some may feel should be private. It can do web site tracking, which is when the user’s navigation through a web site is monitored, and is used to do this through a web site. It is intended to give web site designers feedback as to which “path” users take through a web site (which are most desirable to crowds, as well as to individuals). This is a “hot button” because people suspect it to be a violation of privacy (cookie cent).

Richy Glasssberg is Chairman and CEO of

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