
Evaluation Of Early Literacy Program Essay

Decent Essays

Conclusion and Evaluation
The overall purpose of our early literacy program “Early Rocket Readers” strives to provide children’s and their primary caregivers with opportunities to encourage the development of early literacy. The goal of this teaching unit is to stress the importance of early literacy for children to new parents. Our early literacy program “Early Rocket Readers” consist of a 6 week program, our expected outcome is for participating parents to gain the knowledge of the positive effects of early literacy, the research behind the lack of literacy and book resources.
Session one is our introduction to the program and our goal is to stress the importance of early literacy for children to new parents. Our first session would focus on the following objectives: 1- Parents will learn the dynamics of literacy; 2-Parents will learn the importance of literacy in early childhood; 3-Parents will watch an informative video on early childhood reading strategies. We will meet these objectives by actively engaging participant in a group discussion and activity this session. Additional resources for this session will include age appropriate books, a YouTube video, What More Can We Do? The Importance of Early Literacy Exposure by Lisa Danielle, and applications for library cards from the local library. Therefore we will open our session with the regular opening circle asking participant to answer the following question “What is literacy?”. We will then move on to a group

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