
Assessment In Special Education Essay

Better Essays

Assessments are important tools that educators use for a variety of reasons. The basic use of assessments is for measuring the student’s knowledge. For English Language Learners and special education students, assessments are generally used for placement. Using the results from the evaluations, educators use their findings to place the students in the most beneficial class for them. As more ELL students enter the classroom as well as other diverse scholars, the importance of having knowledge of different assessments and teaching strategies becomes imperative and basically mandatory. When entering the kindergarten English Language Learners classroom at Sprout State School of the Arts, the head teacher was able to give inciteful information in regards to the many educational questions that were asked concerning the different facets of education in the classroom. Through a lengthy interview with the teacher, information was gained concerning indicators of exceptionality in ELL students, information pertaining to the use of formal and informal assessments in placement, the role of parents and teachers in placement, as well as underachievement factors that may not need special education needs, justification for changes in proficiency levels, the integration of assessment types and the benefits of the SIOP protocol for all learners. When in the kindergarten English Language Learner classroom, the educator answered many questions pertaining to English Language Learners and the

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