
Evaluation Of The Layout And Content Of My Brochure

Decent Essays

Unit 12 - Evaluation for the Brochure
I will evaluate the layout and content of my brochure against the client brief. The page layout for each page is A4. At first I divided the pages into three section. However, it didn 't look as appealing.The purpose of this is because I wanted to ensure the information and the sizes of the images fills the page. This is because I wanted to make it more different and appealing. The information is placed in a rectangular or square box. It fits the whole A4 page. The point size of the texts varies this depends if it is the subheading, heading or body text. Also, the sizes of the shapes are diverse. This depends on the information and how big the images are. Also, there are images placed in the box, which I will further discuss.
The front cover of the 'Newcastle Tours ' brochure as stated earlier is an A4 page. This page is simpler due to it being the front cover and is 21 cm x 29.7cm. I decided to add the social networks at the bottom of the page and information at the centre of the page, along with the logo at the top of the brochure. I don 't have a particular layout as I wanted to make it more individual and more appealing. The colour of the text in all the pages is white and black. The purpose of this is because the background is mainly dark blue and white so black and white will contrast with the background colours. These colours were also used to meet the brief.
Moreover, the text styles used are Calibri & Corbel. All these font

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