
Evaluation Of The Montessori Program Model

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There are mainly six program models used in North America. These program models were mainly developed in 1960s and 1970s.These Program models are very important as they have profound influence on children and their development (Essa & Young, 2003). Strength and weaknesses of these program models are examined below:
Montessori Program Model (Strength):1. Montessori believe is that children should be respected who learn and absorb anything in their most sensitive period (3-6 years), providing the favorable environment created by adults. The environment is very positive, safe and attractive in this program. 2. There is small class size and abundance of freedom is given to the children to choose their activities and learn in their own pace (Essa & Young, 2003).
Weakness: 1.There is no encouragement for the children for their work. Not enough group activities are done (just once or twice in a week). 2. Parents involvement is neglected in Montessori program model. 3. Only children from the wealthy families can pursue this program and low income family cannot afford this program. 4. Teacher’s role is very limited.5. As children learn in their own pace, there is less social interaction and adjustment problem may arise in future if they go in different atmosphere (Essa & Young, 2003).
Open Education: Strength: 1. This is a child centered and play-based program where children learn from exploring the environment. 2. Children in this program are gradually introduced with the school

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