I do agree that nursing needs to establish the standard care based on research studies. The evidence-based nursing provides the quality and safe care to the patient populations and decreases the mortality rate in clinical. It looks that the majority of nurses would rather choose DNP than PhD. The best way to prevent the shortage of research studies is to let the doctorate-level nurses work together. According to Buchholz, Yingling, Jones, & Tenfelde (2015), DNP-prepared nurse with practice expertise and PhD-prepared Nurse with research expertise should collaborate together to improve and change health care. DNP-prepared nurses can provide the issues and problems to the PhD-prepared nurses and then PhD-prepared nurses to conduct research and
Evidence-based practice is relied on by professional nurses in order for them to make informed decisions as well as apply critical thinking skills directly to the patient care they provide. The research process allows the nurse to ask and answer questions systematically to ensure the decisions they make are based on sound science. Research provides the evidence needed for nurses to practice based off scientific evidence rather than by tradition (Houser, 2013). Nursing research is fundamental to the practice and is the central principle that defines the nursing profession.
Evidence based practice is an integral part of nursing care. According to the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, evidence based practice is defined as, “the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about patient care.” (AMSN) The use of evidence based practice has drastically improved patient outcomes, increased quality and safety of healthcare, and reduced costs for facilities. (Melnyk, 2016) In this paper I will provide the history of evidence based practice, how it has already been incorporated and impacted healthcare, and why it is important to nursing and healthcare as a whole.
Within this essay Evidence based Practice will be identified and the significant effect it has on the nursing profession, barriers will also be explored in the implementation of Evidence Based Practice.
The result of the instruction shows, Analysis concerning dissonance indicated so much the between-unit disunity regarding a metering regarding perceived burnout complaints among colleagues used to be statistically or significantly large than the within-unit variance. This implies up to expectation even is huge settlement (consensus) within intensive care units regarding the prevalence over burnout. In addition, the end result regarding multilevel analyses showed that burnout complaints among colleagues among intensive car3e units taken a statistically enormous and unique achievement in accordance with explaining discord among unaccompanied nurses’ yet entire units’ trip concerning permanency burnout. i.e. tumultuous dirt depersonalization,
Provided nursing care in accordance with established policy, physician’s orders, the resident plan of care
The background information and review of literature showed a definite opportunity to improve healthcare practices which would also improve patient safety. The methodology was clear and unbiased. It should have provided credible information. The data analysis done gave accurate results according to the information
Evidence-Base practice (EBP) is defined as: “based on problem identified from the practitioner’s area of practice; a combining of best evidence and professional expertise and an integration of this into current practice; about ensuring patients receive quality care, being part of quality improvement processes; about collaboration and requiring a team approach” (French, 1999). Scott and Mcsherry (2008) supported the French’s assertion, proposing the key elements of EBP are that it is a theory-driven process, which involves the use, evaluation and application of research; identification of best evidence; evaluation of care; problem solving; decision-making; clinical expertise; and requires patient involvement. Evidence-based practice is made of evidence, clinical expertise, patient preference, the context of care (Barker, 2013). In brief, evidence-based practice is the parameter in the nursing practice that it requires that the nurses gather and use clinical evidence to make decision for the patients so that in the nursing process they can deliver the quality of care for the patients (Ellis, 2013). In the other words, in the nursing practice all the nursing procedures performed by the clinical evidence supported.
Findings of evidenced based practice have to be disseminated to ensure that innovations for practice are replicated or applied in other settings by stakeholders in the health fraternity and healthcare professionals (Forsyth, Wright, Scherb & Gaspar, 2010). One of the objectives of dissemination should be to improve the practice. Dissemination of evidenced based practice findings in nursing is very critical in knowledge synthesis, translation, and translation. It is imperative in strengthening healthcare, informing policy, and improving practice decisions based on clinical evidence (Rycroft-Malone & Bucknall, 2010). This is realized by transforming clinical changes into practice. It actually involves two stage processes namely: translation of evidence into practice and integration of research recommendations into actual practice. Effective dissemination of evidence based practice findings enable staff to share information about developments in healthcare practice and implement innovation (Freemantle & Watt, 1994).
According to Provision seven the attitudes of Deborah and the other nurses on the unit do not advance the nursing profession. Nursing from the beginning of its existence with Florence Nightingale has fought to be considered not only an art but also a science. Scientific research was one of the governing factors of Nightingale’s principles of nursing. She used statistical data to help her keep records of success and failure rates of her nursing interventions. The use of this scientific research proved to be beneficial because it gave substantial scientific evidence that her nursing interventions significantly decreased mortality rates during the Crimean War. The support of her statistical data enabled nightingale to prove to her colleagues and peers that the art of nursing plays a significant role in patient outcome and mortality. This relates to the nurses in the NICU, because since the beginning of nursing evidence based practice has been implemented and deemed useful. For one to denounce future practice of evidence based practice in contemporary nursing will further remove nursing from its professional status. Nursing is one
Although the American Association of Colleges of Nursing clearly defined the role of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in 2004, some confusion about the academic programs still exist. The role of both the DNP and PhD-prepared individuals is to improve the quality of health care and the health of population through the use of the best evidence when assisting them in making decisions about treatment options. Melnyk, B. M. (2013). According to the national leaders in major healthcare fields, mentioned a gap between research and practice and the importance to apply research findings and engage in evidence-based practice. In order to translate this knowledge, the clinician must understand the healthcare delivery in order to help narrow the research-to-practice gap and transform health care. DNP-prepared nurses are trained to reduce the research-to-practice gap. Because most nurse lack knowledge to critically appraise research studies and the skills to effectively implement evidence-based practice (EBP) in their clinical settings.
Evidence based practice in nursing research has changed the era of nursing. Every nursing intervention is evidence based. I have not served on a research/EBP council at work but I have written a nursing research paper based on evidence based practice. The title of my paper was hand washing with soap and water vs. hand sanitizer. I found out that using hand sanitizer is efficient to kill germs but hand washing with soap and water in between after 4-5 application of hand sensitizer will improve results. Hand sensitizer will kill 99.99% germs but the residue stays in the hand. Hand washing with soap and water will flushes the residue away. So, practicing both technique will help prevent infection and cross
Personally, I have never experience any type of research that can relate to nursing, however; I have experienced evidence based practice at work. The institutions I’m at has changed the foley policy nevertheless, like countless nurses pulling a foley and given a patient lasix made no sense. This is where EBP came into play because, what is effective for nurses might not be healthier for the patients. The struggle to understand the different between EBP and primary research although, several nurses might feel they are the same entity and that the names remain interchangeable myself included.
According to Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper & Bucher (2014), “Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making. It involves the use of the best available evidence in combination with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values to achieve desired patient outcomes.” Using evidence based practice in nursing is extremely important, because evidence-based practice is the result of others trying a practice one way but needing to change some of the guidelines to make the practice safer and over all better for patients.
Evidence based practice is more likely to take hold in an environment that is supportive and understanding that change although may be necessary is typically difficult to implement without some resistance. Evidence based practices are crucial in improving patient outcomes and having healthier patients at discharge. This in turn can reduce re-hospitalizations, allow for better participation in rehab if needed and promote better disease self management along with cost savings at the hospital. In order to provide this, the floor nurses need to be educated on the new process and fully understand why it is better then how it was previously being done. Resources should be readily available be it extra staff, supplies or constant and continuous education
Evidence based practice is an important priority in nursing because it ensures that the best quality and most effective care is being used. Restraint use is an intervention that is being minimized more and more. It can be an important intervention when necessary but there are specific circumstances and guidelines that must be followed. Evidence based practice is proving that restraint use may be eliminated due to safety concerns and more beneficial interventions being used.