
Evolution of Health Care

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Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Nancy Glaz HCS/533 February, 4, 2013 Sean Kern Evolution of Health Care Information Systems The introduction of Health Information Systems (HIS) to the health care industry has changed the delivery and reimbursement services in the United States (US). The history of information systems (IS) has enhanced communication between patients, providers, and insurance providers. Prior to the information age, health care use a paper method to maintain patient records. Numerous advancements within the information technology (IT) industry have since evolved. Family physicians and small medical practices have incorporated clinical and administrative and rely on its technology. IS have also …show more content…

My experience is in alternative living communities for seniors. I have marketed three assistive living facilities and one independent living community. Sale inquiries, leads, and status’ required computer software to document, track, and maintain various reports. Each facility used different programs, but independently provided the same results. The IS of senior living communities require clinical and administrative applications. I remain in contact with several colleagues and discovered medication administration is paper documentation. I was surprised and shared information learned in HCS/533. Technological Advantages and Events IS respond to external and internal factors providing technological advancements and enhance a consumer driven market. External factors to include economic conditions, health needs, and technology have altered the delivery, reimbursement methods, and applications. Consequently, most health care IS limit the ability to integrate administrative and clinical data. Healthcare administrators must monitor trend lines and internal factors to maintain knowledgeable of federal initiatives and programmatic changes, reimbursement methods, and delivery of services. The 1990s introduced a different reimbursement method in Medicaid and Medicare. Resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS), considered physicians “value” of time, physician work, practice expense, and

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