
Examples Of Ethical Issues In Advertising

Decent Essays

Topic chosen
The topic I have chosen for the paper is ethical advertisement.
Ethical issues
There are various ethical issues associated with advertisement. Different advertisements are considered to be unethical. Some of the ethical issues in advertisement include:
Advertisement to children
When advertising to children, there are very many cases when unethical behavior is allowed. Truth in advertisement is not strictly followed as many people believe that children may not notice exaggerated advertisements or information in the adverts of the products aimed at them. By interpreting the law in this way, the unethical ramifications of legal advertising are completely ignored. For an organization to remain ethical, it is important for the organization …show more content…

Virtue Ethics
The proponents for this theory include Confucius and Aristotle. What makes something good or bad, right or wrong is that it actually embodies or promotes traits culturally acknowledged as good or bad. When making a decision it is nice to assume that morality and ethics are considered, if not both then one of the two. The operation of human existence is more than simply the material things are gained there are additional intangibles that are equally important such as the wellbeing of those involved. There affirmative side of closing schools in Chicago took a utilitarian approach to gain the greatest amount of happiness and avoid suffering at all costs. The point was that those in power would not be affected by the needs of those in not in power. On the other hand care ethics are based on relationship with has the emotions of compassion, love, friendship, and kinship. The parents, the teachers, and the neighborhood were banned together for their loved ones in this time of injustice. The type of theory that justifies an action is based on the individual or group that wants to prove a point. Who is right that is a matter of power and

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