
Examples Of Ethics As A Philosophical Discipline

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In the oldest of societies, an informal moral code had been established to serve as; a guide and avert internal clash. An ideal example would be the Greek society in the middle ages, A review of a list of literature has shown that Greek society has developed modern legal system that exist in a borderline moral dispensation. These directly inter-relate with what modern societies term as, the rule of law and the application thereof. However, the moral code of every society is written within the context of moral order, within that society to reposition it for purposeful working systems that provide an integrated approach to ethical questions. These are transferred from parent to child and thus, the moral order is acquired during the upbringing of a child. In addition, we may find numerous actions extremely unacceptable when …show more content…

( Dixon, 2002) A characteristic human behaviour is to value other entities, persons, animals, actions, experiences, and even ideas. Through this behaviour arise personal values, familial values, cultural values, intellectual values, religious values, aesthetic values, architectural values, gastronomic values-the list is endless. Human existence is value-laden. Ethics studies moral and ethical values. To be more precise, it explores their origins (where do moral values arise), their nature (what is a moral value), their justification (is it possible to determine that some moral values are better or worse than other moral values) and their application (what ought one to do).
What distinguishes ethics and other disciplines, such as religion or the social sciences, that might also examine morals or moral codes is that, as a philosophical discipline, ethics relies upon the same analytic procedures as other philosophical disciplines. Where religion relies upon scriptural authorities and the social sciences upon description and observation, ethics questions, probes, argues, analyses and

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