
Executi Vs Executive Vice President Of The Legal Department

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Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the intent, means, and consequences of moral behavior. It is the study of judgments and right and wrong conduct. (TAOL p.94)
i. Danger signal - The company had been disguising the origins of a product for some time, enabling higher selling prices. (WSEF p.117) ii. Root leadership cause - Lack of ethical standards in the company. (TAOL p. 94) iii. The Assistant Vice President of the legal department will be responsible. iv. The legal department will draft a code of ethics for the company which will include guidelines in each of the following areas. Government relations, employee relations, business relations, production, consumer relations, and community and environmental relations. (TAOL p.131)
v. …show more content…

Executive Vice President of the legal department will be responsible for ensuring a code of ethics has been created. vi. Success will be measured with the completion of the code of ethics being written. vii. Once the Code of Ethics has been established, leaders at all levels of the company will be selected and rewarded for their performance in meeting the ethical standards. Rewards for leaders who display a high degree of ethical standards will receive one half a day off work to be used on their own accord. viii. The code of ethics will be expected to be completed within six months. Leaders at all levels of the company will immediately be expected to implement the code of ethics in their decision making

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