On the surface, “Highly Effective Instructors” understand the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover,” is a cute and quaint saying, but one that is seldom found to be 100% true. Most people tend to judge a book by its cover, if only a little bit and as a first reaction. So many professions get this idea. For example, airplane pilots, police officers, and bank vice presidents all dress a certain way, and not because it is comfortable. Imagine how comfortable you would feel the next time you take a flight and your pilot walks onboard with a faded T-shirt, ripped-up jeans and flip flops. Would you rather have the pilot in the black tie, stripes on his or her shoulders, and the cool hat? Be honest. Whether it is right or wrong, first impressions
A teacher’s strategy to get their subject across to their students is the most important thing to remember when they are being evaluated. Robert Marzano
There are numerous attributes an outstanding teacher exhibits inside and outside of the classroom. Inside the classroom, a teacher is able to offer a positive learning environment, deliver instruction effectively, be fair, and be able to monitor and adjust right away. Outside of the classroom, a teacher actively participates in the community, is an influential teammate, receptive to reinforcement, is an exceptional role model, and is available for communication to parents.
ABSTRACT: Based on our long-standing Intensive Training Program for Effective Teaching Assistants in Chemistry, we have developed an Advanced Training Course for Teachers and Researchers in Chemistry at The University of Chicago. The topics in this course are designed to train Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) to become excellent teachers and well-rounded PhD candidates. The goals of the course are to build ethics, critical thinking, and a strong self-image through the use of innovative pedagogical tools. Concurrently, the GTAs are transitioned into independent researchers with the skills to prepare high quality written reports and oral presentations. This course was successful based on the results of multiple assessments. The experience gained and issues identified from the course can be used to guide future training courses.
their culture or place of work which requires specific attire to be worn. As for the rest of society,
We form first impressions and overall judgments about people by the way one dresses. In the workplace, depending on what industry or company it is, employee dress code can differ based on the situation. Those who work at a banking institution are generally required to dress in “suit and tie” or at least business casual. In such workplaces, it is often required to abide by strict policies such as having to cover up tattoos and piercings whilst at the workplace. The dress code is set because the appearance of an employee reflects the company and its values. Thus when dealing with the public, other employees and in all other business relationships, it is important to conduct oneself in a courteous and respectful manner, which also entails dressing appropriately.
As I have worked in the service industry since I have been old enough to work, the art of people watching and people reading has become an activity I like to think I have mastered. At the moment, I work at a bar in Atlantic Station where people come to be seen. Because of my experiences in the service industry, Turner’s article has only further validated my belief that what we put on is more important to us than we think. As far as fashion goes, there are two types of people who exist. People who are wearing their outfits and those whose outfits are wearing them. I have noticed that women who are “wearing their outfits” so to speak, exude way more confidence than women whose outfits are “wearing them”. It may be the confidence, but it seems that these ‘confident’ women are usually wearing outfits that seem to be congruent with their personality. By that I mean wearing something they are genuinely comfortable in, almost with an air of “this outfit was made for me and no one else.” On the other hand, there are those women who look as if their clothes are holding them hostage. It is as if the clothes are not correctly communicating to the rest of society who they feel they really are. A perfect example of this is a woman who frequents my bar often. She is quite friendly and always willing
Many occupations have a dress code for employees. Employees hate having to dress to the code of conduct they claim the outfits look dull, boring, and a waste of time. However, customers like the fact that they all have the same outfit for three reasons; they look similar so it's easy for customers to find employees for help, the customers won't mistake customers as employees, and the employees look more professional.
As stated before, psychology is a form of self-expression, and a form of visual communication. The way one dresses may put one in a fashion subcategory. These subcategories are thought of as a whole and are subject to judgment and discrimination of sorts. For example, a person with many tattoos and a vintage style of clothing may be viewed as a “hipster”, and hence the viewer may assume many things of the individual. The fit of garments say many things about oneself. Made-to-fit clothing on men in the business world is more respectable than non-tailored clothes. With women, skirt suits create the balance between attractiveness and masculinity in order to appear respectable, much more than the overly aggressive pant suit. One may see the effect of clothing when one researches on how to dress for an interview in order to make an impression upon the hiring manager.
For ancient time, teachers have played an important role in society. Behind every successful person, there is a teacher. Nowadays, both parents are too busy earning money because of the high living expenses, so the teacher is expected to build a strong moral character and provide emotional support for the students. To achieve this, by the definition of John Lembo who is the author of “Why Teachers Fail,” has four qualities: (1) “he can engage students in an open and trusting relationship by his capacity to listen and accept; (2) he is skilled in the use of different diagnostic, planning, facilitative and evaluative procedure and is knowledgeable about their limitations; (3)
Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my name! But when I came to university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all the teachers are the same. In fact, I have found that most of the professors here at State fall into three categories: the positive teachers, the neutral teachers, and the negative teachers.
One of the most essential exercises when in comes to professional development as an instructor is to continuously reflect on your perspective, methodology, instruction and behavior within your profession. Doing so ensure that you a growing and improving on teaching skills and building on old strengths to benefit you as an instructor but especially the students that you serve.
The workplace can consist of a diversity of people, and a diversity of workplace fashion. Let me tell you about the diverse workplace fashion I observe at my place of employment, South Padre Island City Hall. Being the front desk receptionist, I see most of my coworkers throughout the day and have categorized the fashion at my workplace as follows: The Business Professional, HR Inappropriate, Casual Islander, The Flamboyant Fashionistas, and Office Uniform. In an organization that consists of at least 10 different departments and one hundred and fifty plus employees, personality is displayed through a variety of workplace fashion.
Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in training children, teenagers… So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are: knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion.
How you dress has a big impact on how people see and judge you. You realize that people are expecting to see you dressed in a certain manner, so you dress either to impress or show them that you don't care what they expect of you. This is what you show and put out to the world without realizing it. Living in a world of pressures changes the way you think so you chose to dress the way you feel and you tend to get you what you
Have you ever wondered why companies make their employees wear a specific uniform or wear a specific style of pant and shirt? Well, there are many reasons why; one, the company may use their uniform as part of their organization’s colors. This allows the employee to feel they are part of the organization and it allows the consumer to identify a company purely from the colors on a uniform. Just within the past year, a sitcom television show called Superstore. Those who watch this sitcom, quickly realizes how those who wrote the scripts and chose the actors’ clothing did so to poke fun directly towards Wal-Mart. Additionally, a person’s physical appearance, such as piercings, tattoos, and hair styles are all ways others associate them as a good or bad person, and clothing is no exception. Whether it is in a business setting, a restaurant, or even a doctor’s office, a person’s perception towards another is determined by initial contact. Despite a single office or profession; employers need to consider a dress code to ensure the safety of all employees. Moreover, some employees do not direct a dress code as a way to save operational costs, while some provide the employees with a shirt and the employee must wear a specific type and color of pant. Sure, the dress code for employees can be unattractive, however, the employer is not paying the person to look good or seek a partner. Employers need to explain the reason the companies’ uniforms are designed and