
Examples Of In-Depth Interview

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To answer my research question, I chose semi-structured in-depth interviews because it particularly lends itself to exploring challenging and complex life situations such as the return to work following parental leave. According to Valerie Yow, “the recorded in-depth interview can offer answers to questions that no other methodology can provide” (Yow 2005, 9). In her introductory chapter on in-depth interviewing, Yow specifically mentions complex decisions as a case where in-depth interviews allow us to pose questions that remain invisible in statistics and official records. Thus, while the OECD family database statistics might provide us with useful information about Hungarian mothers’ decisions concerning employment, in my research I would like to ask women to explain the various and differing factors contributing to these choices. …show more content…

8 respondents were university graduates, 7 had high school diplomas and 1 interviewee completed a vocational secondary course. 10 interviewees worked in full-time jobs, 4 in part-time (6 hour) positions and 1 in a flexible work arrangement. One woman was currently on maternity leave, but before the birth of her second child, she had worked full time. Interviewees conducted a wide range of blue-, pink-, and white-collar jobs, and not all women carried out work according to their qualifications. For example, several university graduates worked in jobs not requiring tertiary studies. 10 of my respondents had one child, 2 women had two and 4 had three or more children. Youngest children were aged 7 months to 26 months at the time when the interviewees ended their parental leave. 9 of my interviewees were located in Budapest, while 7 lived outside of the capital: among them 6 lived in towns and one in a

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