
Examples Of Logical Fallacies In Advertising

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Advertisements are everywhere, on television, radio, social media, billboards, magazines, and even on yearbooks. On the other hand, would it not be nice if every advertisement an individual saw, read, or heard were actually true? Like using Axe body spray really did attract women or eating Snickers really made one satisfied in seconds? Yet, most of the times the advertisements that seem too good to be true, actually are. In fact, many ads are only slightly true and instead filled with many common errors in reasoning, known as logical fallacies, a sneaky marketing technique many companies use to trick a consumer into giving them their undivided attention and money. In fact, one well known company for using logical fallacies in their advertisements …show more content…

Plain folk is the marketing strategy where advertisers portray a person like a well-known celebrity like Lindsey Lohan as a person who is in fact, normal or an everyday Joe. For instance, Lohan explains that even though she is a singer and actress she is just like anyone else, a person who struggles with having unclear, bumpy, and acne-prone skin stating, “I’m a normal person and I do get zits and I’m not happy when I do so I like to try and find anything that’s preventative towards it and Proactiv has done that for me.” By promoting a person, in this case as Lindsay Lohan, a person who suffers from the same problems as acne, like anyone else, people gain trust and feel comforted, resulting in the individual being more open and willing to buy a product. Then again Proactiv is not the only company that has used and uses logical fallacies in their advertisements to trick people into buying their products. In fact, if one were to close enough to the advertisements and commercials that are around them, they would start to see how life is filled with false statements, logical fallacies, and ultimately scams. Perhaps, people will think twice and be more cautious when buying a product, knowing that in the end they might just be wasting their

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