
Image Analysis. Compare and Contrast

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Fonts, Vanessa Image Analysis Final Draft A picture is worth a thousand word Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience to continue or take some new action. But when advertisers produce an ad, they have many different variables that come into play if they want to successfully persuade consumers. The first most important step they have to figure out is, what type of audience they are trying to target. They then create images and intend to appeal specifically to the values, hopes, and desires of that particular audience. This is why someone would rather pick the well-known Malboro cowboy ads over the new female cigarettes of Virginia Slims. Each of these ads targets a specific audience; …show more content…

Another detail that suggests that this ad appeals to the need for attention is the image of a recognized celebrity as its main attraction. Just as in real life, the paparazzi are going picture-happy trying to catch the game winning shot of the famous Ms. Richie, because she is the center of attention. And of course, many celebrities who are in the spotlight hate being photographed, which the audience can tell through Nicole’s facial expression. Jimmy Choo is a well-known brand that attracts wealthy individuals, but it is a younger crowd that it specifically appeals too. For this reason, Nicole Richie, who is not more than 25 years old in this picture is the one modeling their brand. She’s wearing a V-cut short, off white dress that you would not see many middle aged women wearing. She is also holding a mustard leather tote to accessorize her outfit. Also, her “bodyguard” which is right behind her is such a weird facial expression, I am not quite sure what emotion he is portraying is in fact a young man too. All the details in this ad clearly appeal to a very young wealthy crowd who is into this kind of clothes and accessories. Not all advertisers do such a great job at taking their point across in an ad. Sometimes there are those ads that you can stare at endlessly, trying to figure out what it is trying to persuade you of buying, but you never understand

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