
Examples Of Participatory Paradigm

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I have chosen my paradigm based on my research background and working experience. I have taken my position of participatory paradigm. Participatory paradigm is relatively new concept of paradigm in social science theories(Heron & Reason, 1997). It is derived from qualitative research tradition. Participatory paradigm has been growing in recent years and particularly in the developing countries. Chambers(1986: 1) describes participatory paradigm as “…[c]oherent and mutually supportive pattern of concepts, values, methods and action amenable to wide application” . It is based on the principle of participation and call attention to bottom up approach. It treats society or people as research participants rather than research subjects (Brown, …show more content…

A vital ideology of participatory research is that it is research approach ‘with people’ rather than conducting ‘research on people’(Heron & Reason, 1997). Chamber (2012: 167) mentions “[Participatory paradigm ] can be drivers and means to personal, institutional, professional and social change [……] Practical priorities are: to foster methodological diversity and enrich the repertoire; […..] to institutionalize critical reflection and focused brainstorming”. Participatory paradigm allows understanding of people’s perspective as it is based on social reality and tries to find out real solution of original problem to ensure desirable change. In addition, it deals with the complexity of social settings and can promote culture of social dialogue and influence policy to changing attitude. So it is applied, exploratory and action oriented. It is a appropriate procedure when local dedication is …show more content…

“Constructivism is posited ontologically on the premise that reality, the world, as the subject of research does not exist independently from our experiences. In addition, constructivism argues that multiple realities exist which are intangible, local and specific in nature” (Sumner & Tribe, 2004: 5). Its nature of knowledge is individual and collective reconstruction. According to Glasersfeld (1993), constructivism is created by researcher’s new thinking. This new thought leads new understanding and interaction of his/her believes by which he/she attach in real world. Fact is that, researcher in constructivism, is isolated and deal with fixed ideology to find the truth in world. In critical theory, epistemology is transactional and subjective that is influenced by values; methodology is dialogue based and logical. Willis has taken Guba’s poins on critical theory. Willis opined, “Guba points out that several terms are associated with this approach, including neo-Marxism, materialism, the Frankfurt school, and Freireism.” (Willis, 2007:45). Critical theory emphasize on the intrinsic link among values, politics and subjective reality based on structural/historical insight (Bryman, 1984). Though In this paradigm the researcher acts as an advocate but the main disadvantage is, it has not practical relevance of

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