
Examples Of Potential Job Opportunities For After Graduation

Decent Essays

Potential Job Opportunities for After Graduation Written by: Nathaniel Yonke North Central Technical College Abstract This paper briefly reviews the water and sewage and healthcare industries for job prospects after graduation from North Central Technical College with an accounting associate’s degree. It reviews expected overall industry average pay in those industries for accountants and accountant related positions as well as expected pay for immediate positions obtainable after graduation. The paper also touches on my reasons for pursuing these industries and why they are interesting to me. Primary sources are the Bureau of Labor Statistics,,, all obtained online. …show more content…

I would be interested in working in this field because it would allow me to stay in a seemingly saturated market here in Wisconsin (BLS 2016). My immediate family is in Wisconsin so the appeal of being able to stay close to home is meaningful. Even a close move to Michigan or Illinois would keep me able to drive home for the holidays and special occasions. Another benefit of working in this field is that I am interested in the material. I know how important water transportation is. I also know that as the population continues to increase over time this field will steadily become more and more important almost ensuring continued job growth and opportunity. The job numbers were unsettling after my research, however. The other field that I was interested in potentially pursuing was that of healthcare. Labor statistics gathered again from the Bureau of Labor Statistics dating from May of 2016 show a lot larger market, reflecting 16,560 people currently employed in healthcare who work as some accounting style profession. The hourly mean wage is listed at $32.52 with an annual mean wage of $67,650. Another aspect about this industry that I found appealing was the level of potential educational support. Several private and publicly owned hospitals that I looked at indicated as a job benefit that they would help you pay for further education

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