
Examples Of The Five Compass Model

Satisfactory Essays

Shelly Kerstanski
LED560 Leadership and Strategy
Date: October 15, 2017
Dr. Ivy Adams

5 Compass Model Leadership stresses the setting of new directions and maintaining a chosen direction in a turbulent environment, and successful leaders will need some form of compass in order to negotiate safely through the shoals of conflicting demands (Wilson, 1996). The 5 Compass Model consist of: The strategic, action, culture, socio-political, and moral compass. The fortune 500 company that that I have chosen to learn about the process is AT&T. The 5 Compass Model can be used in many different situations where a configuration perspective is suitable. The descriptions of the five compasses are not meant to imply that leadership is a uniform concept--all-seeing, all-knowing, …show more content…

Stephenson for AT&T company. According to Company Overview, the 2016 Reported Consolidated Revenue for AT&T is $163.8 Billion (n.d.). I will examine the following areas: strategic, action, culture, socio-political, and moral compass. The first one is strategic compass and AT&T always makes sure that leadership suggests setting a path that the employees will follow. Next is the action compass within AT&T. Leadership also implies movement--action: a leader moves an organization from Point A to Point B (Wilson, 1996). The third compass is culture in AT&T. A culture in a company like AT&T must include thinking, learning, and action are widely dispersed so the company can have a culture that generates a feeling of honesty and trust. The fourth compass is socio-political. As if the many different challenges aren’t enough, the existing control shift in the world and democratization, market systems, privatization, and deregulation create a problem of social and political issues for AT&T. The last step of the model is the moral compass. The moral measurement of business leadership should be obvious to all

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