
Excited And Excited : Excited Delirium Syndrome

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Excited delirium syndrome is a rare but dangerous disease generally recognized by agitation, aggression, disorientation, and sometimes sudden death. Often associated with drug usage. There has been some documentation as early as the 1800s, but it manly started to come back around in the 1980s. These patients will often need to be restrained, usually by law enforcement, and pose a great danger to the crew’s safety until restrained and sedated. Excited deliriums cause is somewhat unknown. There is much conflict from researcher’s on the why and how. Excited Delirium Excited delirium is a syndrome that may not be easily recognized in the field when a patient presents with it. There is not a complete understand of the cause of the …show more content…

The clinical symptoms that will be seen with these patients are hyperthermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypertension, aggression, and agitation. Sometimes, these patients have been in this state for so long they may be acidotic or entering the early stages of rhabdomyolysis. These patients will have “super human” strength, appear as if nothing hurts them and they feel no pain, extremely diaphoretic (and often times naked due to hyperthermia), be extremely combative, and have what appears to be a complete disconnect from the outside world. Being in contact with these patients is extremely dangerous for EMS providers as they are so altered, they have no idea what they are doing and it is reported that they often times have paranoia and think that they are fighting for their lives. Encounters with these patients are often begun with law enforcement calling for rescue, as they got a disturbance call first. There have been many reported cases of these patients dying in police custody and it becoming a topic of controversy over police brutality, etc., when in reality these patients were adequately restrained to protect themselves and others. Since the patients can not break free of these restraints, they essentially have an over stimulation of their nervous system, leading to arrhythmias, which leads to cardiac arrest. Other times when these patients end up in cardiac arrest is due to

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