
Executive Summary : Halliburton Company

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Executive Summary
Halliburton Company provides a range of services and products for the exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas to oil and gas companies worldwide. As there have been many changes in the various financial statements for Halliburton there was a need for a balanced score card. The Balance score card will help Halliburton improve its performance and ensure that it is performing as per its vision and mission. The approach used in the balanced score to track the performance is based on four perspectives financial, customer, internal business and innovation and learning. This balanced score card is surrounded around executives and enterprise level of measurements, which helps in making sure that the employees have a particular standard, goals to look up to. The balance score card is so designed that it keeps the measurement process aligned and also helps keep a track of any deviation occurred in any one of the perspectives. The Balanced score card report is based on the findings from evaDimension report, Jefferson report and the Management’s discussion and analysis of financial conditions and results of operations. It can be seen from the evaDimensions report that the Return on Capital has deteriorated from the previous years to recent year. The ROC is seen to exceed the Cost of Capital (Exhibit 1). Which is a reason why it was selected as a measure that needs to be improved. The objectives suggested to do so are making the cash flow

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