
Explain How To Stay Safe When Working With Children And Young People Safe

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Children and young people need to be inspired and shown how to keep themselves safe. As children grow they will always try push boundaries we need to manage those risks without taking away their independence. It is really important to teach children and young people to be able to protect themselves and stay safe. Promoting self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness can help children and young people gain a sense of control.

For example if you were teaching a child or young person about road safety and crossing the road safely firstly you would show them where is the safest place to cross the road and explain to them about lolly pop ladies and men and why they are there you would then show them how to cross the road safely by holding their hand …show more content…

• Reinforcing issues when they arise in a positive manner such as turn taking, being patient, positive behaviour.

• Letting them resolve their own conflicts whenever possible.

• Promote positive relationships.

• Child led approach enables children/young people to risk assess for themselves

• When a child wants to take a risk, be there to help them and support them,

• Never let a child take a risk that could cause significant harm to themselves or others and explain to them why it’s dangerous so they know not to do it again and learn from it.

Show an interest in the activity that the child or young person is doing, look at what is going on and discuss questions such as:

• How far is it to the ground? Is it a short or long drop?
• How far to the top?
• How will you get down safely? And do you need help?
• That looks slippery would could happen if you run?
• How do your friends get up or down? Can you watch them?
• How could you hurt yourself doing

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