
• Explain The Impact Of The Green Belt On Edinburgh And Its Suburban Areas

Decent Essays

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the impact of the green belt on Edinburgh and its suburban areas. The essay will begin by explaining the main definitions involved in the essay question. The first section will review Edinburgh and Scotland’s green belt policies. The second section will discuss Edinburgh’s growing population and the need for property within the area. The third section will focus on the growing business sector of the capital city. And the last section will talk about Edinburgh’s expanding green belt and recent developments.

Edinburgh; a city famous for its striking architecture and backdrop shaped by geology, was once a small city consisting of no more than a narrow street that linked Holyrood palace with Edinburgh castle. To this day it has become the capital of Scotland, with an increasingly large population (Swanson, I. (2014)). It is a city of …show more content…

Edinburgh is a city of size, high demand and growth and its green belt could be hindering its ability to grow and reach its full economic potential. The Scottish government suggests that the purpose of the green belt is to, direct growth to the most appropriate locations and support regeneration to protect and give access to open space within and around towns and cities. However, as Edinburgh remains the UK’s largest financial centre outside of London and has an increasingly large population, the demand for property within the city is high. Edinburgh’s shortage of property has driven up prices to unaffordable levels. To tackle this issue, the city should be regenerating brownfield sites to produce affordable property that could house the growing population. However, if Edinburgh’s economic growth continues, and planning permission is granted, it looks likely that the green belt will be expanding, less emphasis will be put on local communities and Edinburgh’s surrounding countryside could disappear for

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