
Explain The Three Levels Of Government In Australia

Decent Essays

Dalton EAL CERT 4 VU21479
Name :Wong Jet Yee.
ID:GEC 0000097
DATE: 26.06.2017
Task 1
Describe the system of government in Australia
The three levels of government in Australia and the roles of each level
1. What set of laws started in 1900? 1.1
The constitution of Australia
2. What do these set of laws do? 1.1
They control the Government of Australia by dividing the powers
3. What are the three levels of power? 1.1
Legislative, executive, judicial
4. Which power writes the new laws? 1.1
The legislative
5. Which powers check these new laws? 1.1
The executive and judicial
The three levels of government in Australia and the roles of each level
Look at pages 11 and 12 of your ‘Inside the Parliament of Victoria’ booklet and answer these questions. …show more content…

What are the three levels of government in Australia? 1.2
Commonwealth level, State level, Local level
7. What does the Commonwealth government do in relation to health, education and transport? 1.3
See page 12 of ‘inside the parliament of Victoria’

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