Why Every Age Needs a Helmet
When They’re Cycling?
People of every age should be required by law to wear a helmet when they’re cycling. At the moment the law states that people 18 and under must wear bicycle helmets, but I think everyone should be wearing one. The first reason that every age needs to wear a helmet when they’re cycling is because people may attempt life threatening tricks when they are cycling without a helmet. What if they fall on their head and they crack their head open? For example a concussion, then your brain may be damaged for life. These tricks could also result in your arm, leg or any bone in your body broken. Families would struggle to scrape together enough money to pay for your injuries. The second reason is
the helmet covers your whole face and head in order to protect you face from getting kicked in the face after getting bucked off. wearing a helmet is required if you are under 19 years of age. i feel that the helmet should be required for all ages.( in bull-riding you try to stay on a wild, 2,000 pound bull, some with horns the size of my arm. These bulls have tight straps around there butt to make them kick and jump harder. And all you have to hold on to is a single rope. if you fall of, the bull can stomp, trample, or horn you, and you could break bones from the fall (bull riding, 2015). So in the case of safety i feel that helmets should be required for all ages and at all
In the Olympics for Hockey, they take the helmet and protecting the face rule very serious. During warm-ups, it has been required that all players wear helmets. If a player is not wearing his helmet correctly during the game, the game will be stopped and the player is penalized. The NHL is a little bit easier on players, it’s not required like in the Olympics where players have to wear a helmet during pre-game and if your helmet comes off in the during NHL play the game continues.
Football is game of speed, strength, and strategy. The best way to be a better player is working on becoming bigger and stronger while maintaining the speed, but when the players mass, strength, and speed all get better the forces the can produce a greater force with their hits. According to Timothy Gay, Physics professor at the University of Nebraska and author of The Physics of Football, a Defensive Back at the average one-hundred and ninety pounds that runs a 4.56 forty-yard dash can produce sixteen-hundred pounds of tackling force, which easily can break any bone of the human body. Due to the extreme forces the players are exposed to, it is necessary for each player to wear pads that help reduce and spread out the forces, and helmets
Imagine enjoying a movie at the cinemas, eating food at McDonalds, or even sitting in class with a group of friends at your local high school, while some individuals around you are carrying loaded firearms. Although this seems unbelievable, the United States Constitutions give people the right to acquire and carry firearms. It is ridiculous that they allow their citizens to carry handguns, such as pistols. This should be strictly limited, due to that they are made exclusively for protection or the police. Due to this law, the murder rate in the United States have increased and this allows children to handle guns and possible kill other family members or other children. Gut-wrenching events like this can happen in a blink of an eye.
Researchers later found out that headgear is not protecting their brain. A competitor’s brain is still being shook around the skull. The requirement of wearing headgear is now optional to these sports.
In the Olympics for Hockey, they take the helmet and protecting the face rule very serious. During warm-ups, it has been required that all players wear helmets. If a player is not wearing his helmet correctly during the game, the game will be stopped and the player is penalized. The NHL is a little bit easier on players, it’s not required like in the Olympics where players have to wear a helmet during pre-game and if your helmet comes off in the during NHL play the game continues.
Danger comes with any sport no matter how rough or mild. Every person knows the risks involving sports. Concussions are a problem but, they are not a large enough danger to shut high school football down. Critics are saying that high school football is to dangerous, but what is dangerous? Everyday, people do things like driving or walking across the street, yet everyone does these things everyday. Driving has regulations to ensure the safety of everyone involved, as does footbal. Precautions are made in order to keep the people safe. These regulations and rules help teens grow not only as athletes but as better people. These sports give teens a mean of escape from everyday life. These sports also help kids strategize the next game plan. These teens who are strategizing now, could be making the new breakthroughs in football regulations in the future.
Many people think that to wear a helmet should a personal desition and should be not mandatory. After all, if harm is cause for not wearing a helmet, it will be a personal harm and no a general harm for society, “People have the right to chose their own poison” (Rosenstand, 255).
Helmet laws throughout the U.S. have always created a great deal of controversy. Currently there are two types of helmet laws in the United States; a universal helmet law, which requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet and partial helmet law that has age requirements. The helmet debate has been a long battle between free-rights organizations and government officials.
Football should be banned in the United States because it can lead to a concussion, can cause brain damage, and can even kill you. When anyone plays football whether it’s professional, college, or high school you can get a concussion. A concussion is also known as traumatic brain injury(TBI), a concussion is caused by the violent movement or jarring the head or neck. Most cases of brain injury are concussions. People who suffer from concussions generally fully recover fast. However, in some cases, symptoms can last for short periods or long periods either days or weeks. The common symptoms of a concussion are the imbalance, confusion, headache, memory loss, loss of consciousness, vision change, hearing change, mood change, fatigue, and malaise. For about 9 to 10 people with concussions, symptoms disappear within 7 to 10 days. The most common causes of concussions in sports is football, rugby, hockey, and basketball.
Have you ever played a sport, that injured you or give you a concussion? Safety always comes first. Especially, when you're doing something that can get you an injury really easy. Having protective gear is important, mainly in sports. Some sports should have protective head gear. Protecting your head is important, and every part in it. Half of the sports are usually contact sports, which getting hurt in the head can be more of the chance, which is bad. As well, getting hurt in the head has many consequences which no one wants to have. Many athletes get concussions and it’s not good. 90 percent of the times, the person is conscious while having a concussion, the other 10 percent, there are unconscious. Therefore, protective head-gear
Should people under the age of 18 be required to wear a protective helmet while skateboarding, in-line skating, bicycling, snowboarding and skiing? I believe truly believe so. The thrill in these activities, are to speed jump tricks and ride.
Researchers made a mouth guard which decreases injuries around your face. Helmets are designed to prevent head injuries, such as concussions, skull fractures and brain injuries. Helmets have been proved to reduce the risk of head injuries. Helmets and mouth guard are designed to decrease the likelihood of head injuries from a direct impact to the head by scattering and dispensing the energy of impact
You are worried about your child going to get injured in his first game of football. Little did you know, there's nothing you should be really worried about. In fact, sports to young children or teens might seem dangerous. But on the other hand, it is just a fun sport for young children and teens to play. Sports also makes kids and teens active in a fun way and sports makes kid entertain themselves. Although sports seems dangerous, teens and young children should be allowed to play sports because sports makes them healthy, higher scores in school, and makes kids less depressed (sad).
While some may argue that motorcycle helmets take away their freedom on the road and oppose their constitutional rights; helmets should be required to be worn by all motorcycle riders because they prevent skull, brain, and spinal cord injuries. Helmets prevent wind and debris from getting in the driver’s eyes, and its costs tax payers less money to treat helmets wearers than non-helmet wearers.