Some schools might start school earlier and get out earlier than other schools, and some maybe start later and end later than others. Some might not even last seven hours like most schools do. Whatever the schedule is you’re gonna learn something from that day no matter what you think, such as Math, Social studies, Language Arts, Science, or Writing. Some schools might not even have 7 periods and some might have more than 7 periods. Some schools might not even have periods and just have
Most students when the wake up feel drowsy or tired because they have to go to school before 8:00 am. Schools should have later start times for many reason some include that they just need more sleep and that if they do not get enough sleep it could be dangerous.
Beep-Beep-Beep. The loud shrill of your alarm wakes you up from your deep sleep. Have you ever wanted school to start later? Maybe all you wanted was to just fall back to sleep. School districts have been looking at pushing school start times for older students who could get extra sleep for a long time. There have even had studies conducted to find the benefits of a later start. But have they looked at the consequences? School start times should stay the same.
My argument is about why schools should start later. I think schools should start later because students will be more focused and be able to get better sleep. The administration is against this because they think we should be in school longer but this also helps teachers because students won’t fall asleep in class. The administration is complaining that the schools test scores are low but maybe it’s because not everyone gets enough sleep. It would help teachers a lot because not only will you have enough sleep but you’ll also have energy and make it through the day.
School's starting at 7:30 a.m. is an appropriate time, but having school start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. can be a lot more beneficial to students. School starting early in the morning can cause many harmful things to teenagers. Getting little to no sleep causes teenagers to be more forgetful and it limits their ability to learn. It can also lead to depression, aggressive behavior, obesity, drug and alcohol use, and sleep deprivation. Research shows that a later start time is generally a little more effective for students. Having Central Valley High School start at a later time would provide many positive outcomes to better adolescent's school work, safety, and their overall health.
“They say the early bird catches the worm but for teens in high school, it would be better to catch some shut-eye.” – Nike Kennedy. Waking up early is pretty bad in itself but waking up early then having to sit and listen to someone talk for several hours is even worse. Starting school later would allow for the student to stay awake, and not make teachers feel foolish when their students have their head down falling asleep. School should start later because of the many benefits it would provide for the students and faculty.
Did you know that if schools start earlier they have higher rates of obesity and have a greater risk of kids becoming depressed. Did you know that it is clinically proven that kids learn more when they are more “awake” and standardized test scores have risen dramatically when the CDC tested to start school later. Schools can seriously get a major advantage by starting later, so ask yourself, why don’t they?
Have you ever had to go to sleep early because you had something important the next day and you needed a good night's sleep? Schools are starting later and later as researchers are saying that kids perform better when they get more sleep. There a a lot of reasons to support this, one is that it has been proven that kids do better on tests and quizzes following a good night’s sleep. School starting later could help with child obesity. It has been proven that when school starts later that there is improved attendance, graduation rates, and reduced car crash rates. School starting later would benefit the teachers and staff as well. The graduation rate alone is one very good reason for school to start later. School should start at at least 9:00.
School start times vary across the country, from six to ten o’clock in the morning, and are heavily debated by students, parents, and superintendents. Some believe that the early bird gets the worm, while others demand their beauty sleep. I firmly believe that all schools should start later in the day, since it helps students get more sleep, perform better in school, and be more alert in class.
As many of us know, school starts a little too early, we all just want a little more sleep. But what if there was sleep experts saying that school needs to start later, or even scientific research that proved that its actually beneficial to start school later. Studies show that school starting later can help improve grades in classes. And even scientists say starting school later has many more benefits.
Teenagers who start school earlier have more health problems due to lack of sleep. Some students in school work or have extracurricular activities after school therefore sleeping earlier is not an option. Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep usually turn to drug and alcohol abuse. If students got more time to sleep it would give the human brain time to function properly. Students would have more respect for teachers and assignments.
Have you ever woke up from a long sleep and you realize only 10 minutes were left to get ready for school and catch the bus? How many times have students fallen asleep in class? How many students miss school because they did not have time to get ready? Many students learn the hard way of having to wake up early and not oversleep. For these reasons school should start at 9:00 a.m because students do not like waking up early, they would not oversleep and miss the bus, and would come more prepared and participate in class discussions more.
With school times starting later, we won’t be as rushed,we will have so much extra time to gather our things such as homework, school supplies, books and our heads!! We barely have time to get a piece of mind before were being rushed out the door and into the world. On top of not being rushed, families and friends won’t feel as stressed. Heather Macintosh, spokeswoman for a national organization called Start School Later that's headquartered in Annapolis. "What is the priority?" she said. "It should be education, health and safety
If I could persuade the principal to change 1 school rule it would be to start classes two hours later. The students’ brain would be more awake and they would have more time to get ready in the morning.
Why should school start late? Well school should start late because of several reasons. On the first paragraph I’m going to be talking about how kids fall asleep when it’s that early in the morning. On the second paragraph I’m going to explain how kids will remember better since its not as early. The third paragraph I’m going to talking about is how kids always are distracted and not learning.
Almost every day high school students are waking up around six o’clock in the morning to get ready for school, some even earlier than that. Nearly every morning students are waking up without adequate sleep. If sleep is one of the most essential needs of the body in order to grow and develop, shouldn’t we be more aware of how much it affects students everyday performance? The ways in which students are affected by sleep-deprivation is precisely why school needs to start later.