1. Extracellular compartment(ECF) is affecting the early fluid loss.
2. The loss of sodium ions contributes to dehydration because it’s causing the fluid to shift out of the bloodstream and into cells.
3. Some of the early signs of dehydration Mr. K.B. is showing are dizziness, sunken eyes, dry mouth, low blood pressure, and his pulse and respirations are rapid.
4. The expected pH level would be greater than 7.45 after the early vomiting.
5. Due to the loss of fluid and electrolytes the body will be compensate by “increasing thirst, increasing heart rate, constricting the cutaneous blood vessels leading to pale and cool skin, producing less urine and concentration the urine” (Gould, VanMeter, & Hubert 2014)
6. Mr. K.B. and as well a younger
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The serum sodium levels appear to be higher than normal because the water is shifting from the ECF into the intracellular compartments (ICF).
8. High serum sodium levels affect ICF because it’s causing the ICF levels to increase, which is affecting how the cells are operating. This cause hypovolemia and the decrease of blood pressure. Because of the shift in the ICD, the cells will swell causing it to decrease its ability to function followed by a ruptured cell.
a. If fluid loss is continuing to happen, the blood volume will decrease as well, causing dehydration, meaning ECF will shift to ICF.
b. If fluid loss is continuing to happen the, cell function will decrease as well or it’ll stop working properly as the fluid increases inside the cell and it may cause the cell to rupture.
c. If fluid loss is continuing to happen, the kidney may over work itself. Because of the dehydration, the kidney is trying to compensate by making concentrated urine.
10. Because of Mr.K.B history, potassium imbalance may have more serious effects on him because he has a history of heart problems, and an abnormal level of potassium may causes cardiac arrhythmias and may progress to a cardiac arrest. (Gould, VanMeter, & Hubert
Potassium in the human body is largely located in the cells as the major cation of the intracellular fluid. There is also a small amount of potassium in the
In addition to elevated blood pressure, retention of fluid leading to edema and leakage of
Hypoalbuminemia can cause osmotic pressure which leads to a shift of fluid from the bloodstream to the interstitial tissue causing edema. A decreased in the blood volume from the fluid shift triggers the kidney to preserve water and sodium which leads the edema to becoming worse. Anemia, peritonitis, infection, thrombosis, poor growth and renal failure are some complications of Nephrotic Syndrome (Kyle & Carman, 2013).
The serum creatine levels, the BUN, the urinary potassium, the serum pH and sodium clacium are high.
This report is a compilation and analysis of the current and latest literature to verify the harms of sodium intake and to develop ways to mitigate the harms and improve health in societies and the people most at risk. The results indicate that changing diets and reducing sodium intake can effectively help manage hypertension and related complications.
It is responsible for carrying Na+ to activate action potentials. The sodium channel is affected and causes membrane depolarization and weakness. The voltage of the sodium channels slows down significantly and results in low serum K+ levels. With low serum K+
The blood vessels that supply the kidneys become harder which makes the kidneys clear blood slowly.
solute depletion: sodium loss corresponding to fluid loss. We see it in case of hypovolemia and it will cause decrease blood pressure, weight loss, tachy pulse, dry skin, and low urine specific gravity.
Dehydration can make an athlete’s performance drop. This is because the body is not able to function properly. In a long distance event, an athlete can lose as much as litre of water. The water that we drink helps regulate the core body temperature at a safe level. Dehydration can cause the core body temperature to increase.
Well, according to Dr.Ananya Mandal of the News Medical, “dehydration is a condition that results when the body loses more water than it takes in. This imbalance disrupts the usual levels of salts and sugars present in the blood, which can interfere with the way the body functions”. The main reasons for dehydration are the lost of too much fluid in our body when we work and the second is by disease like diabetes. For an instance, work, diseases and prescription are also the cause for the dehydration. You just need to work a little while and you are already on the way to the dehydration. When you have diabetes, you will have high blood sugar level, urination and fluid loss will lead to it as well. Simple as that, fluid lost inside, diseases, prescription are mainly the cause for the
If volume deficit and hypernatremia are present, intravascular volume should be restored with isotonic sodium chloride prior to free water administration.
Dehydration has many side effects such as difficulty concentrating, mood swings, becoming lethargic, and a decrease in an athlete’s performance This can lead to heat illnesses. The bodies core temperatures can increase by 0.1 to 0.4 degrees Celsius for every 1 percent of body weight that it
Your brain is 75% water and with only a 2% dehydration your memory and attention is affected.
Sometimes in extreme cases, loss of electrolytes can lead to hyponatremia, which can cause low blood and sodium concentration, which correlates with disorientation, confusion, and grand mal seizures (Convertino & Armstrong, 1996).
Deficient fluid volume happens when there is a significant loss of fluid and electrolytes as with excessive sweating. Dehydration can occur from an insufficient fluid intake, excessive fluid loss, and fluid shifts. The first sign of dehydration is thirst. If the patient would have drunk water when he first became thirsty, him collapsing may not have occurred, and no further treatment may not have been needed. If fluids continue to be lost, the heart pumps faster but is rapid and weak and causes orthostatic hypotension, explaining his pulse being 136 and blood pressure being 88/52. Orthostatic hypotension may have caused him to collapse due to the