
Factors Of Career And Personality Assessments

Decent Essays

Pathway to Elementary Education Emily is college freshman at Tarrant County College, a community college based in Fort Worth, Texas. Emily plans to attend junior college for a year and then would like to transfer to a larger university. She is struggling with the decision of choosing a major. Deciding what she wants to do for “the rest of her life” is very stressful. Her parents think she should go into the medical field because the jobs are plentiful, but she never did well in her science classes in high school, and the sight of blood makes her sick. Emily mentioned that she worked with the second grade class at church and always enjoyed her time with this age group. She wonders if this interest might be something she should pursue. As Emily’s academic advisor, I suggested some helpful steps she should take that would assist her in making these important decisions.
One of the first steps in helping a student who is undecided about their degree is to suggest useful assessments. Career and personality assessments are beneficial in several ways. They can help provide insight into personality traits, skills, and interests of a student. The results in turn can help students make connections between these traits and careers that they are well suited for. There are two tools in particular that I find beneficial. The first is a database called O*Net Online. This website has assessment tools to measure abilities, interests, knowledge and skills. It also has

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