
False Analogy

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False Analogy, False Advertisement
Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause or position. A technique of propaganda is false analogy. False analogy, according to Donna Woolfolk Cross, “is an analogy that is a comparison between two ideas, events, or ideas, or things,” that are not true (254). This is prevalent in today’s society. Especially magazines, which is made available everywhere: grocery stores, bookstores, and online. Most people can not ignore its glorious covers of supermodels and famous celebrities. Propaganda is used in the advertisements, many of which are false analogy. Today's magazines use false analogy to sexualize models, and mislead readers to pursue an …show more content…

Sometimes the magazines doesn’t have any intentions for the product at all, but for the audience to blindly accept the product itself. The Dolce and Gabbana advertisement showed the model with a lot of her cleavage exposed. This is again false analogy, as her breasts has nothing to do with the cosmetic products, but it is still included in there for sexualiation. The model’s skin is also photoshopped to look effortless without any flaws. This leads the viewers to believe that they need to buy the products in order to look like the model. The advertisement itself appeals to the unrealistic aesthetics, and most people don’t consider their ability to use the product after their purchase. The model’s makeup is done my professional makeup artist, but someone that is not as skilled will not achieve the same results. The advertisement itself is distracted as when one first takes a look at the photo their eyes are drawn instantly to the model’s breasts instead of the products. Most people disregard all of the reasons not to buy the product and purchase it even though they do not have a need for it. These type of advertisement perpetuates unhealthy behaviors, such as eating disorders, self-harm, and body shaming, to achieve photoshopped

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