
Family Assessment, Gordon 11 health patterns

Good Essays

The Harris Family Assessment
Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V
November 16, 2013

The Harris Family Assessment
Health practices are activities performed by individuals or families as a whole to promote health and prevent disease. Health practices vary from family to family and nurses play a pivotal role in promoting health for the family. Families identify and perform health-maintenance activities based on their perceptions about their health because their choices are influenced by the family’s values, beliefs, priorities, cultures and practices. Being a nurse requires an assessment of the family as a whole. A family health assessment is to evaluate and describes the health status of a given family …show more content…

This is an educated family that has additional support through grandparents. Some of Christine statements can lead the nurse to believe that these areas are personal, but requires improvement. Christine feels responsible for the home and if she wasn’t around things would fall apart; however, she also said that if she could change anything she would want a part-time job just to get out of the house. Christine life revolves

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