My family cherishes vacation time together. So, one fall break, during my fourth grade year at school, we decided we would take a family trip to Gatlinburg. I had never been there before, and I was really excited. My grandparents, my mom, my twin sisters, and I were to are all pack a bag and have everything we would need for a week on the mountains. Later on that month, we all met at my grandparents house. We packed the van so full that we were not sure we would all fit in. Nonetheless, we all fit and started our trip to Gatlinburg. I was so excited, I was not sure that I could contain myself until we arrived. Now, ever since we had talked about planning this trip, I had told my grandmother that I wanted to stay on the top of the mountain. So, since I had made that statement, she had made it her mission to find a cabin, to rent, at the top of the mountain. As we made it to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, my family decided that it would be best to buy groceries while we were out, instead of making it to the cabin and having to As we made it to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, my family decided that it would be best to buy groceries while we were out, instead of making it to the cabin and having to come back. As a result, we went into Walmart and return with a weeks worth of groceries. As we loaded the van, it looked is though it would burst at any given second. We loaded back up, and continued on to the cabin. As we made it up the mountain, the roads began to get
When I was about 10 years old my family and I took a vacation to Florida to see my great aunt Linda. It was a 14 hour drive down to Florida which is a long time in the car. We were going down there for a week. For the first two days we went to Sea World in Orlando, Florida. I was very excited to see my great aunt because I have never met her before. I knew that I was going to have fun on this trip.
It was the day after my sister's Quinceanera, and all my family was here. They were leaving back to their homes Monday morning, so keep in mind it is Sunday. All of our parents were talking outside and saw that us kids didn’t really have anything to do, so they decide to take us to a river that was 5 minutes away from my aunt's ranch. We packed up all our food and stuff and went right away.
During the summer my mom and dad decided to go visit our aunt who we really don't see that much so mom asked how would you like to go see your aunt francis for a few days and go to six flags while we are up there for a few days My sister and I both said yeah real quick to that idea .so within an hour we were on our way on the interstate heading towards atlanta . when we got there we settled
My favorite vacations were when we went to the zoo and down to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I went to Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum to the Ripley's Aquarium. I love animals and weird people so these vacations were super important to me.
Thanksgiving break of my junior year was terrible. My family decided to drag me onto another family road trip. This year, our family vacation was at Yosemite National Park.
Have you ever been on a vacation? To me a vacation is a time to be with friends or family. When I think of vacations, I think of packing, the flight or drive, and relaxation. Not only is it very exciting to go on a vacation, but you get closer to the people that go with you.
After working all year long, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can become very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer. The last part of winter or the first part of spring, is when
Approximately 33% or a third of all families in the United States will go on a family vacation this year. Family vacations when you break it down is entirely for the parents. Parents and their children are stressed during the school year, whether it's providing for the family or homework. Family vacations may be stress reducing or enhancing depending on where you go, who you’re going with, and why you’re going.
We were going to Wallowa Lake, which is located in Eastern Oregon. We had a six and a half hour drive ahead of us. Our trip began, as most car trips do. We loaded up on snacks and books on CDs. My parents rarely let us watch DVDs in the car as they think we need to ¨use our imaginations¨ and ¨look out the windows¨ here and there. Our big, white, Ford Expedition was filled to the max with my parents´ and my three siblings´ suitcases, camping gear, shoes, and three gigantic coolers filled with food. Those coolers filled with food will play a major part in my story.
After you choose your destination the next thing you must do is reserve your airfare and hotel. This may be tough because there are many websites and travel agents that you can go through. I have found that it is cheaper and easier to go through You can book your hotel and flight all together and pay one low price. I have also found that flying with Southwest Airlines is very cheap and they have many one way stops all across the country and for a cheap hotel that is very nice I recommend the Extended Stay America.
The only sound that filled my ears was my keyboard clicking as my fingers raced across it. I had been procrastinating from finishing this assignment all evening, but I knew I needed to get it done. The burning sunset was shining through the windows as I was finishing up. It was a peaceful silence, until I heard the soft whispers of my parents that ignited my sense of curiosity. I was concentrating hard; doing my best trying to make out the hushed words that were being spoken.
Spending quality time with family is one of my favorite childhood memories, whether it was spending time outdoors, playing ping pong, or watching a movie. My most meaningful family memory came from our vacation to Colorado back in 2004; yes, 2004. Although I don’t remember all of the events that transpired, I’m able to recall most of the memorable events that took place. It was a cool, misty morning in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, and I could distinctly hear the unmistakable elk calls that echoed through the mountains. The breeze gently scraped my face as I got into the car to begin the first day of our family vacation in Colorado. I could hear the car tires gently humming on the road during this cool, foggy, Colorado morning. As I looked past the lanky pine trees, glistening drops of dew formed on the tall grass, dancing with the wind. As we moved further down the road, I could see the tip of the sun barely begin to peek over the steep, snowy mountain peaks; however, the sun was soon covered by the misty Colorado clouds. This was it: our family vacation!
There are certain memories that we have that we can remember like they happened yesterday. Many of those memories that have special meaning to me were of family vacations when I was young growing up with my brothers and sisters. Family memories are important to many of us because they take us back to a time or place that was special. One particular family vacation I remember vividly, and it’s a story I have shared with my kids on many occasions. Over the 40 or more years since that memorable vacation, I still smile and think how lucky I was growing up with a mother and father that did everything to give their kids an unforgettable memory.
A few minutes before we landed at the airport, I looked at the screen in front of me and it showed ‘33°C’. It had been a year since I last experienced that kind of heat and I couldn’t bear it last time, so I wondered how I would cope with the heat this time. As the plane began to slow and turn into terminal, I could hear people around me start to get there belongings together so that they could get off the plane first. People returned the magazines to the rack on the back of the chair in front of them and I turned off my iPod and put it back in my bag. When I took my headphones out, I felt like I was back in the real world now as I had been concentrating on listening to music for hours. It seemed like time was going slower and slower
The best vacation my family ever took was one that we didn’t stress on planning. My husband and I kept it simple. We packed our bags early and hid