
Family Vacation Essay

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My family cherishes vacation time together. So, one fall break, during my fourth grade year at school, we decided we would take a family trip to Gatlinburg. I had never been there before, and I was really excited. My grandparents, my mom, my twin sisters, and I were to are all pack a bag and have everything we would need for a week on the mountains. Later on that month, we all met at my grandparents house. We packed the van so full that we were not sure we would all fit in. Nonetheless, we all fit and started our trip to Gatlinburg. I was so excited, I was not sure that I could contain myself until we arrived. Now, ever since we had talked about planning this trip, I had told my grandmother that I wanted to stay on the top of the mountain. So, since I had made that statement, she had made it her mission to find a cabin, to rent, at the top of the mountain. As we made it to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, my family decided that it would be best to buy groceries while we were out, instead of making it to the cabin and having to As we made it to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, my family decided that it would be best to buy groceries while we were out, instead of making it to the cabin and having to come back. As a result, we went into Walmart and return with a weeks worth of groceries. As we loaded the van, it looked is though it would burst at any given second. We loaded back up, and continued on to the cabin. As we made it up the mountain, the roads began to get

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