
Fear And Lack Of Failure

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever been afraid at failing at something that you decided to give up? Or has the fear of failure let you hindered your own efforts subconsciously in order to avoid greater setbacks (“Overcoming Fear of Failure” par1). Many of us have experienced fear at some points in our lives; even the most courageous people know fears to overcome ("How to Overcome Fear" par 1). Fear can immobilize. But when we allow fear to hinder our forward progress in life, we are liable to miss some great opportunities in the process (“Overcoming Fear of Failure” par 2). Every day we encounter fear; whether it is triggered by a surprise event or whether it is caused by unpleasant experiences with spiders, heights, new situations, stage fright or rejection? Maybe you fear failures or changes that are difficult to define ("Five Great Ways to Conquer Your Fears" par 1). As the venerable Mark Twain once said, "Courage is resistance to and mastery of fear, not the absence of fear” (Bartekian par 1). Fear can causes many psychological and physical side effects on your body are caused by fear; usually these are anxiety-or-panic-induced. How does the intense reaction of fear happened? Gaining a deeper insight of your fear, and learning to deal with it, can help you to prevent negative health effects (Gutowski par 1). Without regard for what it is that scares you, learn how to acknowledge, face and manipulate your fear will keep it from holding you back in life ("How to Overcome Fear" par 1).

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