
Feeding Preterm Infants

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Purpose Prematurity alone is a risk factor for increasing morbidity and mortality. However, studies have shown that feeding preterm infants solely breast milk improves outcomes, particularly for those preterm infants who are admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) following birth, due to health complications. For example, preterm infants that are breastfed are discharged sooner from the NICU (,). Specifically, this study was a secondary analysis of randomized controlled trials that have been previously conducted from the years of 2006 to 2011 in four different hospitals, two located in North Carolina, and two in Illinois. Moreover, the main purpose of this study was to examine how kangaroo care (KC) in preterm infants effected …show more content…

Therefore, randomization was used when assigning mothers to the various intervention groups, which can assist in preventing bias when conducting the study. Another strength was that their sample of mothers and infants that participated in the study displayed a variety of characteristics. For example, there was a diversity of races, ethnic, educational, marital, and socioeconomic backgrounds, which also assists in minimizing and/or eliminating biases amongst individuals. In addition, the study was conducted at multiple hospital sites, which also could have been a factor in gathering a diverse sample population. There were also specific criteria on the types of infants that were allowed to be enrolled as part of the study. For example, the infants could not be critically ill, they had to weigh at least one-thousand grams, and were able to be easily held outside of the incubator (,). This was a strength since, preterm infants with severe illnesses may require the infant to be confined in an incubator without being held; therefore, making KC and parent-infant bonding difficult to …show more content…

Although, these mothers did attend the weekly educational session with the study nurse, there was no way of actually knowing if these mothers did in fact carry out the information learned. In addition, even though mothers and their infants were only assigned to one intervention group, the mothers were free to engage in other interventions as well. For example, mothers that were in the ATVV group; however, also used KC, might have affected the outcomes on breastfeeding when compared to mothers that solely performed KC. Furthermore, one of the major weaknesses of this study was that although mothers were told to complete a check-off list of any activities performed with their infant while at the NICU, sometimes mothers forgot to complete them or the checklists were lost in the NICU. Therefore, not all the data was collected efficiently. Therefore, this could have affected the results of the study since they failed to include all of the

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