
Feminist Hands Off My Slimming, Colorful, Luxurious Clothes '

Satisfactory Essays

The article "Get Your Feminist Hands Off My Slimming, Colorful, Luxurious Clothes" by Donna Carol Voss is a piece of writing portraying how Donna feels about another article regarding feminism. However, both of the authors view the topic from a different perspective. Donna feels as if her "opponent's" points aren't valid for numerous reasons. Donna continues discussing the article, and mocking it in many ways. She assumed that the article was a joke, and stated that "If I were watching it on video, I would be looking for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell readers we’d been punked." The author continues to create a sarcastic suspense for what the author of the other article, Gina Barecca, feels the issue is. Donna tells us that the problem

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