
Feminist Media Criticism

Decent Essays

Feminist Media Criticism: She’s the Man
Media affects how we shape the way we view and understand the gender constructs. It gives us an outlet that we are surrounded with during our everyday lives. Whether, it is on film, in a song, or through the radio. They are all able to construct this mold of what society wants us to believe about gender. You will notice things like ads directly targeted certain genders, and in movies girls being unable to do what men can, men needing to be a hero, women looking for the affection of a man, or even the girl needing to be saved by the male character. A way to view media’s use of normalized gender roles is through Feminist media criticism. The piece of media I wanted to take a look at a movie that I had grown up watching called She’s the Man. A movie about a girl named Viola who’s High School women’s soccer team gets cut and she was not allowed to join the men’s because girl’s are not as good as boys. Viola then decides to take her brother’s spot at his boarding …show more content…

In that story, it is strongly based on Viola, trying to get to know Duke. As for, She’s the Man they added the spin of her fighting to be better than the boys in soccer. But, both are strongly based around the main girl character falling for Duke and fighting another girl named Olivia. So, not only is one of Viola’s main goals is to date Duke but she also has to fight another girl for the love of a man. Throughout the movie you see how strong each Viola and Olivia are but, there characters are dumbed down to demean each other. So, even after the fact that Viola is fighting the injustice of being prejudiced based on gender her character is mainly just looking for love with Duke. I feel as if that undermines the entire purpose of the movie and takes away from the actual

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