
Figurative Language Analysis

Good Essays

In this classroom, students were interpreting and breaking down song lyrics to discover different typed of figurative language, and to explain what they thought the lyrics meant. The first five minutes the students were turning in their “articles of the week.” The teacher took this time to ask the students about their plans for the weekend (it was a Friday). At the beginning of the class the students were listening to a particular song, the teacher picked a newer song that the students enjoyed and stayed engaged listening to. She passed out a paper copy of the lyrics, for the students to follow. Along with a lyric sheet, she gave them another assignment with questions. They were to identify a type of figurative language used in the song. Then at the end they were to pick a topic, three choices were given, to write a short essay on. I knew the students were engaged when because they all seemed to enjoy the song, and it was the quietest classroom I’ve ever been in. …show more content…

She walked the front of the room because the students only went two rows deep. There were a couple non-compliant students, as to be expected in every classroom from time to time, especially on a Friday. At one point, one student was sitting their staring into space (silently non-compliant), the teacher simply stated, “(student’s name), are you doing alright?” He just replied that he was a little tired and got back to work. Another student was turned around talking, when time came to go over the answers, she called on that student to answer the first question. This caused the student to turn around, face the front, and pay attention. At the end of the class, when the students were supposed to be writing, she said “(student’s name) look at me, I need you to do your work. Remember yesterday we talked about that we might have to move seats?” The student replied, “Oh yeah, I’ll shut up

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