
Film Analysis: Inside The Teenage Brain

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Looking back, my friends and I sometimes discuss how dramatic we were in high school. It was as if the entire world was against us. Now, I actually know there is a biological link as to why teenagers feel that way. The documentary “Inside the Teenage Brain” mentions that teenager’s prefrontal cortex is going through an unexpected growth spurt and there is a thickening of gray matter. This part of the brain has a lot to do with thinking which can give us some insight as too what’s going on with teens. The use it or lose it comes into play with teenagers and they are faced with many risky decisions such as drug and alcohol use. It’s alarming to think that this time is extremely critical for brain development and can end up affecting your entire life. …show more content…

They had wonderful relationships and were readily available when the teen needed them. It’s funny how through all the ongoing research it all comes back to relationships, connections, and positive influences that are in the teen’s life. As a parent I find myself working hard to teach my son about making good choices, and giving him opportunities to find his notch. I hope when puberty hits he can have a good head on his shoulders to make smart decisions, but know that I’ll be here for him no matter what. During my teen years, I remember feeling my parents were against me and no fun. Now as an adult I realize why they were the way they were and am extremely thankful. It is because of their discipline and love I am me. This information will definitely help me as a parent as well as possible future

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