
Financial Analysis of General Electric

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GE Works 2011 Annual Report CONTENTS 2 Letter to Shareowners 10 Business Overview 29 Board of Directors 31 Financial Section 142 Corporate Information 2011 SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED REVENUES (In $ billions) 2007 170 NBCU 155 2008 180 163 154 139 150 133 2009 2010 financial and strategic highlights 2011 147 142 22% GROWTH CONTINUES 22% increase in Operating EPS excluding impact of the preferred stock redemption, and 20% rise in Operating earnings. $200B RECORD INDUSTRIAL BACKLOG Record equipment and service orders drove the backlog to a record of $200 billion. GE ex NBCU EARNINGS ATTRIBUTABLE TO GE (In $ billions) 2007 22.3 NBCU 20.4 17.8 15.9 GE ex NBCU 10.8 9.5 2008 2009 2010 2011 $85B FINANCIAL …show more content…

We need each other to be successful. We made the decision to invest $1 billion in our Appliance business, modernizing our factories in the U.S. Our first two new products will be introduced early in 2012, with other major launches throughout the next two years. Most of 2 GE 2011 ANNUAL REPORT our appliance product manufacturing will move back from China and Mexico to the U.S. We think we can make more money and serve our customers better. We also think this will make us a better manufacturing company in every corner of the world. But it is only possible because our designers, factory workers, managers and marketers work together. GE is a “We Company.” We are solving problems, tough problems. We are in the seventh year of a clean energy business strategy called ecomagination. Clean energy goes in and out of focus for governments and consumers. But, at GE, we are steadfast in our investing. In 2011, we had $21 billion of clean energy revenue, growing twice as fast as the Company average. Ecomagination drives growth because we are solving problems for our customers. At coal mines, from Pennsylvania to Peru, our water solutions allow customers to operate productively while achieving high environmental standards. We demonstrate every day that, through innovation, we can meet societal needs and do it profitably. We deliver results. That is the ultimate output of a strong culture. Over the next few years, our performance will accelerate. We aim to reward investors by

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