
Flex Time Case Analysis

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Organisational Behaviour


Case Analysis

Group Members

Summary of the Facts
Electro Electronics was an electronic research firm established in 1948 and was based in Houston, Texas. Over time, the firm grew into a product area of electronic test instruments and commercial building control systems. Despite these changes, the firm was still involved in contract work. Mr. Fred Codova was the President of the company at this time.
Due to severe traffic problems the implementation of a ‘Flex Time’ system was undertaken per suggestion from the Mayor. This implementation was said to be able to increase productivity along with a higher morale of work. President Cordova assigned the task of designing the plan and writing …show more content…

Communication, leadership style, perception, power and policies and motivation are all causes or issues associated with ineffective change management. John Kotter suggested that for change to be successful, 75% of the company’s management need to “buy into” the change. Kotter introduced his eight step change process in his 1995 book entitled “Leading Change”.
John Kotter 8 step change process 1) Create Urgency - for change to happen, it helps if the entire organization wants it. 2) Form a Powerful Coalition - convince people that change is necessary 3) Create a Vision for Change- link the concepts to an overall vision that people can grasp easily 4) Communicate the Vision – communicate it frequently and powerfully that is lead by example 5) Remove Obstacles – put in place structure for change and continually check for barriers. 6) Create Short Term Wins– success motivates therefore give your company a taste of victory 7) Build on the Change – see what needs improvement and build on it. 8) Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture – the values behind your vision must show in day to day work. Make continuous efforts to ensure that the change is seen.
Causes of the Problem
The sharing of information between two or more individuals or group to reach a common understanding.
It was not thorough communication between the heads of the organization and the employees due to the way Flex Time

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