Introduction The article, “Inpatient Unit Flexibility Design Characteristics of a Successful Flexible Unit” was written by Pati, Debajyoti, Tom Harvey, and Carolyn Cason. The article is based on a study which was done to explore the flexibility needs in an adult medical-surgical inpatient facility with the aim of understanding its meaning from the perspective of the end-user; and identify those characteristics in the physical environment which impede or promote the requirements of stakeholders. In the article, the authors outline a brief history of flexibility in healthcare design, stating that all discussion on the subject have been focused at the overall hospital level but hardly at the inpatient unit level. As such they chose to focus their study at the inpatient level as a result of its growing importance.
In order to be able to articulate the flexibility needs in the inpatient care, the authors decided to conduct their investigation based on the knowledge of flexibility from the viewpoints of the different stakeholders in the care delivery process. They hence approached the problem with the aim of knowing the meaning of flexibility to the different stakeholders involved; the physical design variables defined by stakeholders as being of impact to their flexibility; and the characteristics of inpatient care unit
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Moreover, there are nine critical operational issues affected by physical design characteristics where flexibility is required, namely; respiratory therapy, pharmacy, dietary services, materials management, nursing and environmental services. With findings showing that priority has been on priority has been more on convertibility and expandability, the authors suggest that flexibility should be accorded the same importance as convertibility and expandability, as it is equally crucial for inpatient
Human factors are a serious reason to approach building design from several different angles. Understanding regulatory requirements will help the planning team meet the different codes required to build or remodel. Color selection and noise control affect the environment for both patients and employees so this must be selected carefully to impact the health and wellness of those who are interacting in the health care space. Purchasing the correct the equipment for the space and the employees to use on a daily basis is imperative to the budget of the facility planning process. Identifying the
The Design & Development discipline will assist its clients with major renovations to existing health care buildings or the design and construction of new facilities. In this capacity it will serve as the Owner’s representative in either the management of design and/or construction of the project and lead the team to ensure the owner’s needs are met via the construction of the new facilitiy. In this role it will leverage leading practices in the areas of Building Information Modeling and Sustainable Design to create a compelling lasting space that instill a level of comfort in its customers’ patients and family members. Following are some of the potential service lines within the discipline.
The work of Santibanez, et all (nd) reports that scenario analysis was used to determine the best outcomes and in development of configurations that achieved a reduction of up to 70% of patient wait times and 25% in physical space requirements, for the same appointment volume.
During the movement phase the change agent created a plan to improve patients wait times by using the information gathered from the discussions with the staff members. The development of the plan started with the development of a checklist for staff members to use during the preoperative appointments. The checklist was developed to speed up the preoperative appointment, so patents in the waiting room are not waiting for long periods of time. During the development of the checklist, the change agent encouraged involvement of staff members to help come up with items that should be on the checklist. The final checklist includes eleven items and is provided
The sector I will be looking at is health. The care setting, I have chosen to look at is hospitals, in which the client group I have chosen is long term patients in ward ….
Create a homelike-feel facility for our patients by managing and incorporating various aspects of their health to guarantee complete and all-inclusive care.
The programing that is needed for this type of facility includes a Main Lobby, Main Reception, Main Waiting Area, Long Term Care, Outpatient, Rehab, Hospice Care, and a Restaurant. There will also be support for the family and the staff which will include an education experience, dedicated communal areas, counseling rooms, and spaces to distress in. All of these facilities together will create a unique facility that will meet the needs of the patient with top rated care, as well as create a support structure for the families and caretakers.
This paper is an academic critique of an article written by Kirkland-Walsh, Teleten, Wilson, and Raingruber (2015) titled: Pressure mapping comparison of four OR surfaces. The authors sought to examine the results found from testing four different patient care surfaces commonly found in operating room suites. My analysis methodically focuses on specific aspects of the article relating to the process and research methods along with their associated results. While I think that the study itself is valid, I personally question if the volunteer population adequately and accurately represents an average surgical patient population in terms of health and comorbidities.
Healing hospitals focus on patients on a holistic manner. To build this type of care for a healing hospital starts with something as simple as the hospital design. The design of the hospital is very important. Weather there will be a lot of light or not, spacing, and how that space it utilized. “Historically, healthcare
The patient is the most important stakeholder making healthcare design crucial. Also, to reduce the number of errors in healthcare, it is imperative to build a plan that will further decrease the number of errors to ensure the safety of the patients. Also, to eliminate the inefficiencies in the delivery of care and to increase the response time for patients. Another critical need of the patients design should include patient-centeredness that can give the patient access to health information, signs that are noticeable to locate various areas of a hospital, and adequate space for relatives (Reiling, Hughes, & Murphy, 2008). The facility should have the appropriate equipment, technology, and health providers to give the correct medical care
This author has for plan to reserve a room on the unit where patients can choose to go and do activities that they usually do at home, like watching their favorite television show, listen to radio, read, etc. This room will be called the comfort room and would be a way to remove agitated patients from unnecessary stimuli and try to offer them an alternative to calm themselves down before initiating force. The second part of the plan would be to provide
No matterwhat make sure you get to every patient each time they need you more than you think.The last key point is the risk adjustments/control variables, these are things and way you cantake to make sure everyone is safe and that no one will suffer in the long run of things. Some of thesethings would be like use a gait belt when needed, make sure signs are up if need, make sure the patienthas call light in reach, etc. With this you need to take every step possible to make sure not only theresident is safe but you are also safe.For Further StudySomethings I would like to know more about is how exactly do they determine which residentand healthcare provider are best fight with the number of hours and the number of healthcareproviders. Another thing I would like to know is if the resident is unsatisfied with their healthcareprovider how would that be handled. Some positive things about this would be if you get to know andcreate a bond with your patient then you would get more trust and more understanding from them.They want to do more for themselves but also you. Also if you have a nice well taken care of facilityword will get out and then multiple people would come and want to be taken care of you and in thefacility.ConclusionMy personal reflections on my article would be that if you have a better healthcare facility withbetter positive attitude workers you
A key operational challenge in most healthcare organizations is the efficient movement of patients in a hospital or a clinic, which is referred to as the
Fixing problems that face health care in many health facilities demand a system wide set of solutions. The systems used in these facilities must be assessed and redesigned to identify factors that will aid in the achievement of the set goals. The enormous task of achieving the goals should be undertaken collaboratively by all the key stakeholders, who include, health care professionals, planners and policy makers, administrators, payers, and patients and their families. These partnerships must begin with a common understanding of the problems together with a shared commitment to cooperate and work together to eliminate the problems. With this knowledge, therefore, an action plan for redesigning the health care system can be developed and later implemented. For a successful health care service to be realized, there are various factors which should be employed and which are not found in the traditional business setting. These include unique economic processes, proper regulatory requirements and the perfect quality indicators. This creates a need for every leader within the healthcare industry to create or develop unique skill sets that will harmonize both organizational leadership and the inter-professional team development. It is, therefore, important to understand the comprehensive approach to the management of patient care and also how the concepts of team development and organizational leadership support healthcare leaders in creation of a patient-centric
The healthcare environment needs order and clean spaces to maintain the standards that healthcare institutions requires. Imaging how many mistakes could happen in an emergency room that mixes different pharmaceuticals that look similar in the same box. This is just an example, but the 5S exercise should be applied to every department, it will help not only to maintain order, but to provide faster and more efficient services.