
Folsom Top Priorities

Decent Essays

Thanks for commenting. There are many topics to discuss but my top priorities are: 1. Focus on bringing non-retail jobs to Folsom. Folsom suffers from a retail-based jobs market which keeps our jobless rate low, but floods Folsom with lower wages and hi-attrition rates. Many folks like myself, who grew up Folsom, can't afford to live and work in Folsom. I've experienced this first hand and so will many others. All it takes is Intel to decided to close up shop and Folsom is in trouble. I want to reenergizing and diversify Folsom’s economy and bring Folsom to the new age. 2. Evaluation of the entire South of 50 (Sphere of influence) expansion and the water component with it. This project is obviously on it’s way now and I want to ensure its implemented

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