FDG is a non-physiological analogue of glucose that once injected, is taken up by cell membrane glucose receptors (Mainly, the glucose transporter-1 molecule, GLUT-1) which transport it into the intracellular compartment, where it is phosphorylated into FDG-6-phosphate by the enzymatic action of hexokinase. Cancer cells show increased uptake of glucose (due to an overexpression of glucose transporter proteins) and increased rate of glycolysis. However, following phosphorylation by hexokinase, FDG becomes trapped in the cancer cell, failing to undergo further metabolism due to down-regulation of phosphatase [1] .
Inflammation is the primary response of the lung immune system to infection or irritation like an occult foreign body. Activated
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This reaction is characterized by neutrophils and activated macrophages migration to the host-foreign body and if the foreign body cannot be degraded, macrophages fuse together forming foreign body giant cells (FBGCs) and foreign body granuloma. FBGCs have an enhanced hyper-metabolic state resulting in an increased localized uptake of FDG causing false positive PET/CT …show more content…
One was an abstract that described increased FDG due to impacted foreign body that was subsequently removed through bronchoscopy and was proven to be a fishbone [19]. Patient was 62-years old and presented with recurrent cough. The second case described PET/CT positive right lung nodules in a patient with history of left lung cancer post resection [20]. A biopsy was performed which confirmed the nodule to be a granuloma with foreign body giant cells and debris of calcifications. Patient was 49-years old and asymptomatic at the time of presentation. In our case, patient presented with hemoptysis and was only 25 years at the time of
* Pneumonia is refers to an infection in the lungs that causes swelling in the lungs tissue and this inflammation
When the respiratory tissue damaged, the body’s inflammatory responses cause the lining of the airways to become swollen and thickened as a result of constant irritation that leads to an excessive mucus secretion in effort to protect the lungs from inhaled irritants such as cigarette smoking, air pollution, passive smoking, occupational dusts and chemicals (Currie 2009).
A chest X-ray and CT scan result demonstrated a cavitation of the right lower pulmonary lobe. This result alone along with Bob’s history of smoking is a big red flag related to lung cancer. Bob’s history reveals that he has been smoking a ½ pack or more per day for 37 years. According to a study done on the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of lung cancer, habitual smokers have the highest risk of developing cancer of the lung than any other cancer (Herth, Eberhardt, Ernst, 2006). The study also concludes that a related association with lung cancer is swelling of the tissue, lung tumors and/cavitation, lymph in the bronchioles, and paratracheal areas. The swelling can lead to an obstructed airway, which matches Bob’s symptoms as well. Chest pain, stridor, and chest pain are all indications of complications in the respiratory system.
Infection of the respiratory tract may cause the exacerbation of asthma for someone who has been diagnosed with asthma. According to Busse, Lemanske and Gern (2010), viral respiratory tract infections, mostly caused by rhinoviruses are related with asthma exacerbations. Moreover, when the infections of upper respiratory tract, which affect the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi happen, the immune system responds to it with inflammation. According to Rohilla, Sharma, Kumar and Sonu (2013), viral infection causes inflammation which narrowing the air tract. Furthermore, the inflammation may trigger the overproduced of mucus, which worsens the narrow airways. On common conditions, the immune system’s inflammation response
The echinococcus granulosus has been described as the most frequent cause of the hydatid cysts. Humans are the incidental intermediate host. Larvae emerge from the eggs in the intestine; and after invasion to the blood vessels, they can migrate into almost every part of the body.The usual destination is the liver via the portal tract, but sometimes the larvae pass through the liver barrier and reach the lungs and all the other viscera, where they transform into small cysts.The cyst of echinococcus is a rare finding in pelvic sites.Dissemination via lymphatic or systemic circulation has been implicated as a possible route to produce primary hydatid diseases outside the liver and lung.. In our case the ovarian hydatid cyst is most probably a secondary one, due to a spontaneously or iatrogenic rupture of the hepatic cyst removed 3 years earlier. Pelvic echinococcosis symptomatology is non-specific and can include abdominal tumefactions, abdominal pain, menstruation irregularities, infertility and urinary disturbances. Ovarian echinococcosis can simulate either polycystic disease or malignancy.. On USG, it mimics cystic ovarian disease or a solid ovarian mass.A high grade of suspicion or a preoperative diagnosis of echinococcus cyst makes it possible to avoid an intraoperative iatrogenic rupture, and when available, to administer previously an
In some patients, positron emission tomography scans with flurodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) as radiotracer may be performed at up to two time points before surgery. FDG is known to have a high avidity for metabolically active tissues and is used extensively in tumour diagnostics. These results will be correlated with metabolic information revealed in hp-13C-pyruvate imaging.
Though there are various forms of mature granulomas and different causes for development, the key feature of the inflammatory masses is characterised by the primary cell types involved. This includes; foamy cells, uninfected epithelioid macrophages, giant multinucleated cells and CD4+ T cells (T-helper, or Th, lymphocytes). Though there are other immune cells involved (i.e. fibroblasts, neutrophils, etc) these primary cell types affect the function of the granuloma’s development and function and play a vital role in the effectiveness of walling off bacterium for eradication. Within a mature granuloma, these primary cell populations form a
Malignant cancers often exhibit fundamentally altered cellular energetics, conferring advantages to tumor cells by reprogramming the metabolism to support neoplastic proliferation and promote biosynthesis of macromolecules. Deregulated cellular energetics is observed quite widely across a number of human cancers, and is therefore considered a hallmark of cancer. The role of metabolism in cancer has been a topic of interest since the early 1920s when Otto Warburg proposed the Warburg Effect. Under normal conditions, cells metabolize glucose through oxidative phosphorylation and the TCA cycle. However, cancer cells often exhibit increased anaerobic glycolysis. Although glycolysis is less efficient than the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, it is faster and produces many of the precursor building blocks necessary for the cancer cells to fulfill the metabolic demands of rapidly proliferating cells. Additionally, TCA cycle intermediates are often used in cancer as precursors for macromolecule biosynthesis. Altered energetics can be further observed in
An immune response is mediated by two complementary systems; innate and adaptive immunity (Fig 1). Innate immunity is the front line of defense as it gives the immediate response against foreign molecules, while the adaptive immune system kicks
The links between cancer and inflammation, being the protective response of the tissues of the human body to irritation caused by an injury, a virus, or bacteria, and which may be acute or
order to enhance the recognition, the memory and the elimination of a certain pathogen by
Positron emission tomography is primarily used in the area of medicine and research study. It has been influential in finding the cure for many diseases including Alzheimer’s and cancer. The positron emitting glucose analog, 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) has helped in the diagnosis, staging, and monitoring therapeutic response in various cancers. The metabolic imaging assessment is very helpful in providing important clinical data which in turn improves the patient management [6]. It is proved that the FDG-PET scan has better sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy when compared to CT imaging in most cancer patients.
There are some tumors found to be primarily relying on FAO for development and survival. Prostate cancer suggested to has a characteristic of low a glycolysis rate and poor avidity to FDG 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-d-glucose with positron emission tomography, that is using as diagnostic, staging, and a monitoring therapy tool for several malignant tumors (9). Recent studies indicated that prostate cancer cells have a low glucose consumption rate and exhibiting changes of fatty acid metabolism for cancer cell proliferation and growth, also stated that glucose transporters (GLUT1) were found with low expression levels in human prostate cancer cells (9,10). Another observation was proposed by a study in which the inhibition of CPTI activity using safe
“Inflammation is a nonspecific, defensive response of the body to tissue damage” says J.Tortora & Derrickson (2011), it is an effort
inflammation and damage in alveolar region of the lung. These levels are at or below