
Four Basic Objectives Of Toyota

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to meet the expectation of the customers around the World and to be the role model for within the industry as well as community (Global, 2010). The Toyota has four basic aims including: 1. To provide World class quality and services (Global, 2010). 2. Develop the employee’s potential based on mutual respect, trust and cooperation (Global, 2010). 3. Reduce cost through deduction of waste and maximize profit (Global, 2010). 4. Develop flexible standard based on market needs (Global, 2010). The following are the manufacturing principles implemented by Toyota: Just-in-time The Toyota production system meets the customer demand professionally and without delay by linking all production activities to real market place and demand. Just in time production …show more content…

In TPS it means having just the right components to build the products (Toyota, 2009). A smooth, continuous and optimized workflow, with carefully planned and measured work-cycle times and on-demand movement of goods, reduces the cost of wasted time, materials and capacity. Team members can concentrate on their tasks without interruption, which leads to better quality, timely delivery, and peace-of-mind for Toyota’s customers (Toyota, 2009). Jidoka Toyota is customer oriented company. They meet the expectation of customers through better quality. When it comes to quality, there is no room for compromise in the Toyota Production System (Austenfeld, 2006). The TPS standard of jidoka builds quality checks into each step of the production process. By ensuring that all processes are visible, jidoka helps ensure that abnormalities are made visible and addressed immediately (Toyota, 2009). Jidoka translates as “autonomation” and can be described as“automation with a human touch”. Quality is monitored throughout, with each team member being responsible for performing quality checks before delivering the goods-in-process to the next point in the production line (Toyota, 2009). If a defect or error is identified it is addressed immediately – even if this means temporarily stopping

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